CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Oct 15, 2007 #3,144 i feel pretty good. just sitting at work as usual....
philam15 Active member Oct 16, 2007 #3,150 tired, hungry, but pretty good...just wished I understood men better!
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Oct 16, 2007 #3,155 feeling pretty good....could be better...could be worse...
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Oct 16, 2007 #3,156 Like seriously hurting someone who just won't go the :cen: away. Seriously. Super annoying.
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Oct 16, 2007 #3,157 a lil worse than before...getin a pain in my back....