How do you feel?

I feel like an idot I said my name was Lindsey Nicole and then my boyfriends last name!! I didn't even mean to!! GOD IM AN IDIOT
WONDERFUL!!! It was the most amazing wonderful day EVERRRRR. :angel: We went and saw hairspray it was really really wrong...that movie is rated PG, and well lets just say this is quoted from the movie "the blacker the berrie the sweeter the juice" It was funny though.

Why are you laughing Peddler that never happened to you?
NoI'm not laughing at you!!! I'm laughing because that has happened to me! But infront of my whole school....good
lol but he sent me a message saying: "lindsey nicole ------(his last name) that just made my day!!" but idk if hes just saying that or if i weirded him out...I'm gonna ask him the next chance i get
I would think if he thought you were crazy he wouldn't have said He would have never called you back again instead. It's good that he wrote that. Maybe he thinks its a joke....let him think that if he does!!
Like I said just put it off as a joke and he won't even know. Guys aren't that smart to figure it out :)

I feel tired......