How Close to Allies Were We? China and the USA.

MadeInChina said:
im not going to bash your country xion, as i would wish you would never bash mine, because that is not allowed on this board

These are some of your posts -


look, the chinese commanders have alot more experience than any indian general, they have experience in dealing wiith foreign agression and invasion

any country, with smart commanders, would know that when any border clash occurs troops must be deployed near the border for fast reaction to any agression

by allowing indian troops in and finishing them off later, wat a brillant move


you know what, i would love to start up a helicoptor businese, selling helicoptors to india

my reason?? india needs helicoptors, for its many natural/manmade disasters needs my helicoptors to delivery supplies, medicine and take out the wounded


exactly, china is a great power, the term superpower is justified for china


look, work with china, comprimise with china, but never attack or anger china

thats so far the best goddamn theroem for other countries at this point of time


You have always been the flamer and the basher on this forum and that too with a lot of spelling mistakes and bad english :lol:
My posts are only to check your inflammatory remarks
rajkhalsa said:
Interesting logic. Oh we claim Tibet, therefore its a civil matter. We claim Taiwan, therefore it is a civil matter.

I claim this hot girl on the street is my wife. Therefore, if I force her into sex, no, its not rape.

lolol :lol: :lol:
please dont double post

Interesting logic. Oh we claim Tibet, therefore its a civil matter. We claim Taiwan, therefore it is a civil matter.

I claim this hot girl on the street is my wife. Therefore, if I force her into sex, no, its not rape.

i guess thats the way you see countries and their provinces, no offence but it is not the best way to describe it

countries and their provinces are more of a family, as godofthunder has clearly described in his previous posts ( thanks, that was a great and creative story)

tibet is more like a sister in law and taiwan a wondering lost children

look, the chinese commanders have alot more experience than any indian general, they have experience in dealing wiith foreign agression and invasion

any country, with smart commanders, would know that when any border clash occurs troops must be deployed near the border for fast reaction to any agression

by allowing indian troops in and finishing them off later, wat a brillant move

look, work with china, comprimise with china, but never attack or anger china

thats so far the best goddamn theroem for other countries at this point of time

which one dont you agree with? those are clear to understand points that i have made and are historically accurate

xion, china has fought for more than 100 years of war, off course it has more experienced commanders than india which moreorless was divided and peacefully gained independence.

by allowing indian troops into the hinterland, it extends their supply route and by finishing them off it is efficient and a good strategy, anybodywould tell you that encirclement is one of th best tactics, there is nothing wrong with praising it is there?

look, work with china, comprimise with china, but never attack or anger china

thats so far the best goddamn theroem for other countries at this point of time

under current circumstances, that is very true, as a rising dragon of the east, china should not be ignored anymore and tis output into the global economy is high, if for example us embargos everyhting made in china, then they will have high inflatation.

no offence but xion you need to change your behavior, be more civilized in your posts, dont generalize
first of all don't tell me what to do and what not to, i'm not a tibetan or taiwanese :lol:

The point lies in you not explaining why your posts are correct, it lies in you posting them

they are considered as inflammatory, in the same way you consider my posts as trying to bash up china

and btw..
lolol, tibet is china's sister? there are too many hungry tibetans waiting wishing to eat a chinese alive

no offence but xion you need to change your behavior, be more civilized in your posts, dont generalize

ha!, look who's talking :shock:
first of all don't tell me what to do and what not to, i'm not a tibetan or taiwanese

The point lies in you not explaining why your posts are correct, it lies in you posting them

they are considered as inflammatory, in the same way you consider my posts as trying to bash up china

and btw..
lolol, tibet is china's sister? there are too many hungry tibetans waiting wishing to eat a chinese alive


no offence but xion you need to change your behavior, be more civilized in your posts, dont generalize

ha!, look who's talking

please reread my posts again, they are not imflammatory, if you think they are, then you are really falling for it.

im very careful with my words here, there is no racism in any of my comments
China's claim to Tibet is tenuous at best but in light of the ultra-nationalistic rhetoric that the CCP is using now to legitimise its claim to power it cannot relent on this point.

Taiwan however is an entirely different matter. Historically the closest equivalent for Americans to understand would be if during the American civil war the south as it lost took its troops and retreated to Florida. (For purposes of comparison we'll pretend it is an island, work with me...) and the northern troops are unable to pursue due to a lack of navy.

Further, Taiwan has never claimed independance and having been there I can tell you that it is a minority of the people who want to be an independant country. It is ALSO a minority of the people who want to be reunified. They like the status quo. All the recent high level visits to the mainland are for the purposes of opening up the mainland more for Taiwanese companies to exploit the market.

As for the flaming about the Chinese governement's treatment of dissidents. Americans must tread lightly because there are far more instances of US governmental involvement globally. First one that comes to mind is Kwangju, South Korea 1980's, very very few Americans have any clue about this and it is in light of this offence that the PRC thought they would be able to counter US criticisms when they quelled the demonstration in Tianeman(sic). More demonstrators wanting democracy were killed with implicit involvement from the US in Korea by ROK forces then in the Tianamen Square massacre. China was rightfully indignant when the US led the outcry over their actions when a few years previous they were guilty of something far worse.

Committing a crime is bad, you complicate matters when you are a hypocrit and you complicate it even further when you hide your own duplicity from your citizens to whom which you claim to be responsible to in a democratic free society.
Shaan14 said:
China is one of the genuine enigmas of world history. For centuries the most advanced and civilized nation on earth, she has never had the military might to back her status, despite her millions of citizens

she may have been the most adv civilization for a few centuries but only in some aspects. india was more advanced in some respects than china in the ancient world .
for example for our holy texts (Vedas) one can see how advanced we were not only phsichally but spiritually and we invented the number / concept of zero

ya, indians also invented CAST system, very very smart
bulldog, provide sources.

CSma...cokeisthebest, do not flame anyone or anything for the remainder of your stay here.
Redneck said:
bulldog, provide sources.

CSma...cokeisthebest, do not flame anyone or anything for the remainder of your stay here.

yeeeees master

I will cover for Bulldog's source problem a bit by further expanding his points.

1. China's claim on Tibet is not very solid. Although Tibet often bowed down to Chinese rulers and hailed them as masters (but attack Chinese when China was weak, worst case in late Tang dynasty,Tibet army almost captured Chang'an) they always governed themselves, but I believe Tibet was widely recgonized as a part of China in the beginning of 20th century when China was ruled by nationalists. China's invasion in Tibet was probably one of Mao's long-term stratigic objective of capturing more resource and having a baffer zone protecting the nearby Si-chuang province (one of the most populated and prosperious region in China). Today, it is pretty much hopeless for China to give Tibet back, as the number of Han Chinese are already significant larger than Tibetian people (even Dalai Lama said he does not seek total independence anymore).

2. The true Taiwanese people were the 1-2% of native Taiwanese (first nations like Gaoshan zu). The rest all came from Fujian or the rest parts of China started from Ming dynasty to the natinalist's flee to Taiwan in 1949. In Taiwan's parliment today, the pro-unification faction (Blue faction lead by Natinalist party) holds a majority against the pro-independence Green faction.

3. All governments, democratic or totalitirian, have some embrassing past, and nobody likes to admit their own mistakes yet everybody likes to condemn others' problems to make themselves looking good.
The Chinese government is too corrupt and so is the American one currently with the Bush administration.

um i forget who typed that, but there is no such thing as a government that isn't corrupt.....its a job where the bad people want it and the good people don't...

sorry it was

US vs China 32 years 3 hours 7 days.

Because of the quote...not any other reason lol. mustard seed er...brain hurts...
China is one of the genuine enigmas of world history. For centuries the most advanced and civilized nation on earth, she has never had the military might to back her status, despite her millions of citizens. For the first time in China's history, largely due to nuclear weapons and the fall of the USSR, she is in, military wise, the most powerful phase of her history. You rightly mention that trade is the centerpiece of the relationship. Trade is arguably the most important relationship that can exist between nations. For the time being there is nowhere else for any US-China relationship to go. However, trade with the West beings Western values, seeing as the trade is almost exclusively one way - us to them. China is already the 2nd biggest PC market in the world and growing 7 times faster than the US market. Western companies are falling over themselves to obtain trading and manufacturing rights in Chinese markets. For the first time it's now possible to buy shares in Chinese companies. Chinese students are flooding Western Universities (I know because there are tons at mine).

If trade continues at the current pace, you may find that in 20 years time relations will gradually grow closer. However, the Chinese still may have that innate superiority that they feel is their right over the 'barbarians' that populate the rest of the world. I'm not sure about that but I do know that there were reasons why the People's Republic of China emerged and I know that their greatest enemy, the Soviet Union, is no more. However, there does need to be some political reforms or some observers predict that the current Chinese economic boom will collapse and China will go the same way as some of the other Asian 'Tiger' economies.

I agree with most of what you print. But though one may buy shares in a Chinese company, one cannot buy a Chinese company. And until this happens, China will always be treated with suspicion in world trade and any market economy.
I be very glad if If Soviet union army invade China 1969, Because at that time many soviet union soldiers should get killed in this war!

So-call soviet union lirberate "Manchuria" in 1945 just after US drop nuclear bombs the
homeland of Japan, at that time Stalin know Japanese must be surrender,so the Soviet union rob the fruit of China in world war 2! That is most shameless in human history.
From the history ,the Russian and Soviet union rob many territory by from Qing dynasty and support Mongolian independant from China in 1945.

The white guys (European ) trun a blind eye on it! So the Mao never trust these white (European). They very good at cheat other people rest the world!

If the Soviet union offense China border in 1969, I think millions Soviet union soldiers perish in the war.Fortunately,the Soviet union not to do it!

Following the border war between the USSR and China, Richard Nixon made a brilliant move diplomatically by completely reversing US relations with China. From that point forward, the US and China held something of an unofficial agreement that if the USSR attacked either China or the USA + NATO, then they would help one another defeat the USSR. When the USSR wanted to nuke the hell out of China, they checked with the USA to see if they could get away with it. I don't know what was said exactly, but suffice it to say, the USSR didn't nuke China even though they certainly wanted to. The USA was apparently quite persuasive.

What I wonder is this: You sortof had an alliance between the USA and China. So when and how did that fall appart. Sure, it was never a love affair between the two great nations. More of a "planning for the worst to happen" relationship in all truth. The critical role that China played in being a possible combatant in the fight between the USSR and NATO is seldom given much attention. I don't know how much faith the USA and China truly had in each other. But there was an alliance of sorts.

It puzzles me. How did that relationship fall appart?
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We do not need ally with USA, China ally with US was most stupid thing in world war 2.US sold his ally ,the US let Mongolia independant from China in 1945,that is so-call ally ,oh, Fcuk!

Believe me ,the US will continue sold his ally on the planet!

Of course ,the white will get retribution after sold his ally !
We do not need ally with USA, China ally with US was most stupid thing in world war 2.US sold his ally ,the US let Mongolia independant from China in 1945,that is so-call ally ,oh, Fcuk!

Believe me ,the US will continue sold his ally on the planet!

Of course ,the white will get retribution after sold his ally !

I'll let the Americans answer this one.

However, you complain about the independence of Mongolia but you have never answered, why did China invade Tibet?
I found these European very like propagander about " their civil wars", I think these white guys almost made hundreds of war movies about Hilter German against other countries! From 1945-2013. r

As I know, about sixty-millions American are the descendant of German, So the the US fight against Geriman in world war 2. was German killed German?

I can't understand what's the point, these white( European) propagate about their civil war! Brag about a Amiercan soldier very bravery kill a German soldier in the war movie?
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I found these European very like propagander about " their civil wars", I think these white guys almost made hundreds of war movies about Hilter German against other countries! From 1945-2013. r

As I know, about sixty-millions American are the descendant of German, So the the US fight against Geriman in world war 2. was German killed German?

I can't not understand what's the point, these white( European) propagate about their civil war! Brag about a Amiercan soldier very bravery kill a German soldier in the war movie?

That's because you know nothing about either country. You've been drinking too much of the Chinese propaganda kool aid to understand the intricacies and diversity of both histories. Instead of continuously grinding your axe against the west, perhaps you should pick up a book NOT written by the CCP and learn something. I don't know why you hate me and my countrymen so much, we certainly don't hate you.
Hate American?no,no,no,no,no......... You midunderstood me! Sorry ,Charlie, The computer and internet what I using is invent by American,The USA is so rich,so strong on our planet! So many lovely girls in America! Why I should hate them? I just look down the dirty jobs what done by US politician.:thumb:

That's because you know nothing about either country. You've been drinking too much of the Chinese propaganda kool aid to understand the intricacies and diversity of both histories. Instead of continuously grinding your axe against the west, perhaps you should pick up a book NOT written by the CCP and learn something. I don't know why you hate me and my countrymen so much, we certainly don't hate you.