Dear Member,
The problem with a new draft law would be that Congress will never pass one that includes women and the Supreme Court will strike down any draft law that excludes them today. To have a draft would most likely require a constitutional amendment. Also, the talk of those in Congress that supports having a draft would work against them in a court challenge -- ie they state the draft is needed to get so patriotism, backbone, etc in the youth of today -- because the Supreme Court has exempted past draft laws from the 13the Amendment based on a need for national defense, etc.
Also, in the news the Secretary of the US Army is doing what McNamara did in 1966 when enlistments went down and they wanted to reduce the draft quota during the Vietnam War: they are upping the number of Catagory IV (ie those that screen at the bottom of the military's entry aptitude test) to be accepted. This is what lead to the US Army almost self destructing during the last years of the Vietnam War. Retired US Army Sgts still have nightmares over this.
Finally, the draft though would serve one purpose and not the manpower need of the US Army: Today there are only 14 members of the US Congress who have a child or grandchild in the US military. An unbelievable low number for even peace-time not to mention today's war time.
Jack E. Hammond