Indeed. You're all bastards!

Not that I've ever experienced an enema. But I've had needles delivered by nurses who, I'm sure, just had a gleeful grin on their faces when they were stabbing me with the bloody things. I hate needles, with a passion.
The worst has got to be the one who put me to sleep before an eye op. I told her that if her or the doctor got it wrong, my Nan would have them pushing the dustcarts. They both chuckled and I passed out seconds later. But I still hated her for butchering my arm with that wretched needle.
Oh, and shoving needles in people's fat on their arse for pain, or something like that. I'm not sure, all I know is that it was apparently, "necessary", and that it would help me stop being sick. Wrong. Fish and chips would have helped.
But no, she had to bring out this BFO needle and shove it into my posterior. Did I mention that I hate needles, and nurses?
Unless said nurses are foxy females, and are performing indecencies upon me while wearing a nurses uniform, they can all feck right off!