Hello there


Irreplaceable Intelligencer
My name is KA and I was born in Jaffna, Sri Lanka and raised in Northern and Southern provinces in that country. Later in 1997, I moved to Canada. I am married and a father of three young children. I've worked over two decades with several international intelligence agencies as an intelligence officer, intelligence & terrorism analyst and security consultant.

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My name is KA and I was born in Jaffna, Sri Lanka and raised in Northern and Southern provinces in that country. Later in 1997, I moved to Canada. I am married and a father of three young children. I've worked over two decades with several international intelligence agencies as an intelligence officer, intelligence & terrorism analyst and security consultant.

If you have been so much involved with intelligence services as you claim I would assume that you were a little more discreet than to publish so much information on an open forum.
My name is KA and I was born in Jaffna, Sri Lanka and raised in Northern and Southern provinces in that country. Later in 1997, I moved to Canada. I am married and a father of three young children. I've worked over two decades with several international intelligence agencies as an intelligence officer, intelligence & terrorism analyst and security consultant.

Hello Tuan
I'm fairly new here myself but I have noticed that people are aware of the importance of opsec, that is why I'm amazed by your first post.
It would appear that you have had an interesting life and may have many things to share. Is Tuan your real name? Because it's a Filipino word with lots of different meanings.
One of the biggest tragedies of the last century was the relentless war and killings in Sri Lanka, my step father was born there when it was still called Ceylon and has told me many wonderful stories about growing up there in the 1950's.
I look forward to reading some of your posts.

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If you have been so much involved with intelligence services as you claim I would assume that you were a little more discreet than to publish so much information on an open forum.

I don't know about you matey, but I smell bull-sh!te
Well, you guys may smell b******t but I just copied and pasted my author's profile from the book proposal that I submitted to a publisher, which is going to be my upcoming memoir. Thus these are no secret anymore and thereby opsec seems irrelevant to me......
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I don't know about you matey, but I smell bull-sh!te
Well, I´ll say; It´s not normal for spooks to be so outspoken.

Well, you guys may smell b******t but I just copied and pasted my author's profile from the book proposal that I submitted to a publisher, which is going to be my upcoming memoir. Thus these are no secret anymore and thereby opsec seems irrelevant to me......
Takes a hell of a lot more to convince me.
Moreover, OPSEC/PERSEC is something that must be taken seriously. If you are too talkative you can reveal information that could be fatal to people still in service.
Do we need the services of the Walt Finder General QM? :lol:

I think rop's and lifetime bans would be handed out if they got involved.
Is your Walt antenna twitching too?
I didn't think that my subtle hint had been noticed.
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Hello Tuan,
Is Tuan your real name? Because it's a Filipino word with lots of different meanings.
One of the biggest tragedies of the last century was the relentless war and killings in Sri Lanka, my step father was born there when it was still called Ceylon and has told me many wonderful stories about growing up there in the 1950's.
I look forward to reading some of your posts.


Nope, Tuan is not my real name, but in fact, Colonel Tuan Nizam Muthaliff RWP, MI (July 12, 1966 – May 31, 2005) was the former Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion Military Intelligence Corps, Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) of Sri Lanka, whose perseverance and courage in the face of adversity has served as an inspiration. He was one of the top-notch military intelligence officers and I had the privilege to serve under his command. He was assassinated by the LTTE scums during a ceasefire.