Guess the poster below you

let me check...yes Im a girl

ok next poster has seen the Harry Potter movies, AND read the books, and liked the books more
OMG NEVER EVER??? God you are dead inside...jk but you really should read the books

ok, ok, maybe I've checked once or twice haha jk

Next poster wants to do my geometry homework for me
I've never skipped school, I CAN'T...I ride the frickin' bus, AND my step-mom is home all day...and even if I could, I wouldn't, I signed up for too many advanced classed to skip them

Next poster can't write in cursive
Be glad you are going away to school. I was home-schooled trying skip or playing sick wasn't going to happen.. It just meant you did it in bed lol

Next person only writes in cursive
blehhh no!!!! I only print...and very slowly too, how am I ever going to take notes in college when I write so damn slowly?

Next poster has rode a dirt bike before and liked it
LOVED is more like it now it's just a 4wheeler.
...A tape recorder comes in handy for that

Next poster has never been on a dirt bike
They' re fun... I can't have other people drive me around.. so yes :)
But you get tired of driving after a while..believe me

next poster has a great singing voice
I like to sing, and I don't have a HORRIBLE voice, but I don't have a good voice either...

Next poster sings in the shower
Yes I do.... but I do believe dog howl with me (yes I'm that bad) mostly i turn up my music in the car and sing.... here is a tip for you if you turn the music up loud enugh so you can't hear yourself. You'll sound just as good as they do :)
Next poster dances in front of the mirror