Guess the poster below you

Hell no, my parents don't give me anything less I give them a reason, yeah dad my softball bat just broke, can we buy a new one NOW? LOL jk, but they don't give me an allowance, but hey I dont have to pay for my car (when I get one) or anything so Im not complaining

Next poster has got a ticket for speeding before
Will? Hell, I don't know....heh. But never been pulled over.

Next poster wondering why Fox didn't get the tickets from the cops?
I drive fast but I have a good eyes and know how to spotted the squad car.

I don't know if Henderson is a reckless driver but I don't think he is. He's cool.

Next poster has drove 100 MPH before. (I did.)
I've never played but Im deadly at rook, spades, president, BS, trash and speed

Next poster has played all those card games before ^^
Yeah I like to talk, but tomorrow I won't be able to say a thing since it'll be April 18

Next poster is participating in the day of silence tomorrow too.