Guess the poster below you

Math is the only class in college that I don't please with.

Next poster has a favorite subject and what is it?
No way. I'm a guy. lol

Next poster has been went inside of men's/women's room by accident.
Maybe it wasn't by accident...:firedevi: yeah I went in there with a couple of other girls in elementary school, there was nobody in there anyways...

Next person thinks Im insane
Sadly, no...I don't come from a hunting family, or of military background, at least not my parents, my grandparents yeah. I never was really influenced, I want to though

Next person is brunette
well lookee there, looks like i do!!! yayyyyyy lol. I know because I'm just good like that muhahahaha, (and most people don't have red hair, besides, you dont SEEM blonde)
:horsie: :firedevi:

next person has hmmm green eyes