Good Military Related books you've read

I read Fallen Angels, it was a very good book.

I'd also like to add to my list:

Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden
Darby's Rangers - ? (I can't remember)
Waterloo: Day of Battle - David Howarth

I'm pretty sure I've read more. Just can't remember anymore.
For all the Vietnam Era WESTPAC sailors, get a copy of "Steve McQueen Would Be Proud". A story about the (mis)adventures of a boot ET on a destroyer. It will bring back a lot of memories but you may not want your wife to read it especially if you ever mentioned Olongapo City or Magsaysay Street to her. Have fun.
For all the Vietnam Era WESTPAC sailors, get a copy of "Steve McQueen Would Be Proud". A story about the (mis)adventures of a boot ET on a destroyer. It will bring back a lot of memories but you may not want your wife to read it especially if you ever mentioned Olongapo City or Magsaysay Street to her. Have fun.
I STRONGLY recommend "Steel My Soldiers' Hearts" by Col. David Hackworth about his time in Vietnam with the 4/39th "Hardcore".
Band of Brothers - Stephan Ambrose
Killer Angles- ?
Pegasus Bridge- ?
Panzer Leader- Heinz Guderian

Gates Of Fire- Steven Pressfield
This is about the 300 Spartans at Thermopely. Awsome descriptive book, describes how the Greeks really fought at the time how they where able to hold off so many persian. They way they fight is not like what you see on TV, the real thing involves a whole mass of men shoving themselves turning into grinding bloody killing machine, NOT one on one sword combat.

Great Siege: Malta 1565- Ernie Bradford
Best military book I have ever read. Awsome epic story. I couldn't put the book down. You will like it even if you don't like reading military history.
It's about how a small band of Knights faced down the whole Ottoman Empire in probably the most decisive siege in history.