German Army Mottos (Bundeswehr)

filipino german

Active member
i try to translate it part for part.... ill edit smth as i know more

-->pls move to Mil sorry didnt see it :roll:

Pedites pugnas decernent --german infantry motto

Panzergrenadiere: "Dran, drauf, drüber" ( hard to translate: near,on and above)

Panzerfahrer: "Panzer hurra!" (Tanks hooray)

"Panzer - HURRA!" (Tanks HOORAY)
"Panzer - HURRA!" (Tanks HOORAY)
"Panzer - HURRA!" (Tanks HOORAY)
"Antennen - HOCH!" (antennas - HIGH)
"Luken - DICHT!" (hatches - ClOSED)
"Klar zum - GEFECHT!" (clear to COMBAT)

Heeresflieger(army aviator) "Heeresflieger - Nach vorn!" (Avaitors - FORWARD)

Kampfschwimmer (combat divers): "Lerne leiden ohne zu klagen" (Learn suffer without to complain )

Fallschrimjäger(Paratroopers) "Glück ab!"

Pioniere "Anker wirf"

Fernspäher( Recon, scouts) "oculus exercitus"
"Sehen, ohne gesehen zu werden" (See, without be seen)

Nachschubtruppe (supply troops) Nachschub - rollt! (supply rolls)

Transporttruppe Transport -rollt (transport rolls)

Panzerartillerie (Tank artillery) "Zu Gleich" (3fach) (All together )

Jägertruppe (Huntertroops) ,Gebirgsjägertruppe (Mountain troopers),Panzeraufklärer = "Horrido!" "Joho!"

Fernemelder "Verbindung - STEHT!" (connection ESTABLISHED!)
"Eloka ... Hurra!" (eloka = elektronischekampfmittel/electronic warfare)

Luftlandepioniere "Wir bewegen ALLES" (We move EVERYTHING)

Wachbataillon "Semper... Talis" (always watchful)

Flugabwehr "Flak -Feuer"" (Flak - FIRE)

Panzermörser "Ansetzen" "Achtung - Feuer"(3x)

Artillerie "Zu - Gleich" (All together)
Mostly battlecries..some are Mottos as far as i know,
its hard to get any german mottos
the battlecries/mottos ive got from soldiers in active duty or internet...

and if i want to know every motto i have to cruise around an visit every division....
filipino german said:
Its a means....If you sweat in the training you save blood on the battlefield

Yes but that wasn't listed abowe and that's why i draw it to discussion. Only military related motto i learned in army and should be old german origin.
Yes as far as i know its has its origin in the east german army quotet by a NVA captain

Jeder Tropfen Schweiß, der in der Ausbildung in Friedenszeiten vergossen wird, spart Blut im Gefecht. Der Sieg über den Feind wird im Frieden geschmiedet."

Hauptmann der NVA W.Dietrich
filipino german said:
Yes as far as i know its has its origin in the east german army quotet by a NVA captain

Jeder Tropfen Schweiß, der in der Ausbildung in Friedenszeiten vergossen wird, spart Blut im Gefecht. Der Sieg über den Feind wird im Frieden geschmiedet."

Hauptmann der NVA W.Dietrich

No, it should be far older since here that saying has already been used in WWII. I thought the origin should be in WWI german army or in Waffen SS.
The quote is actually far older than that.
Different versions of it have been traced as far back as the Romans..
Another one, often used in Infantryunits is: "Klagt nicht, Kämpft!" (Don´t Complain, Fight!)

The Motto of the Officer School of the German Army is: "In Freiheit dienen!" (Serve in Liberty!)

The one of the Officer School of the German Air Force is: "Ich Will!" (I Want!)

And the Motto of the Air Defence Missile Units at German Air Force is "Missile Away!"
"Dran, drauf, drüber" ( hard to translate: near,on and above)

I have it as "Drauf, dran, drüber, hurra! hurra! hurra!" (on it, at it, over it).

Not a "motto", but also often heard: "Ohne Mapf kein Kampf!" (withoud food not ifhgt)


Jäger Truppe / same like the rangers Horrido - Joho x3 (used back in the 16th century for hunting Ho-Rü-Ho

The Jäger Truppe uses aswell Klagt Nicht kämpft - Dont complain - FIGHT x3

uvm there is a endless list of official Motto's every Battalion and platoon has ther own motto aswell.

Greets - Richtschütze
"dran, drauf, druber," is old Saxon, or low German

The best answer for what this means is simply this: In German, "Dran! Drauf! Drüber!“ "Ran an den Feind, drauf auf den Feind, hinweg über den Feind." English: It means, "Run at" the enemy, "strike at" the enemy, and "continue on over" the enemy."
Also, "Gluck ab" is a German paratrooper greeting. A derivative of "Good luck."

The true German paratrooper motto is "Treue um Treue," which doesn't translate exactly, but is "Loyalty "begets," or "surrounds" Loyalty."