Milforum's Bouncer
BD, I think some gays would fit in without a problem
That is a fact.
I know two very competent NCO's who are gay and one officer who are active duty Army. They are very well thought of by their soldiers and receive excellent reviews by their chain of command. No one knows they're gay but for a handful of people. They don't "act gay" and I think that is a very crucial element.
BUT they are a security risk with the current rules. They have an element in their lives that MUST remain secret or their careers are over. It is a situation that lends itself to blackmail.
For me and other soldiers who know their secret it puts us in a very dicey morale dilemna as well. OPSEC and PERSEC and the very lives of fellow soldiers OR friendship? In an environment of teamwork it puts someone in a zero sum no win situation.
For a politician it is a simple thing to do, to lie and to break rules and then shift the blame to someone else. But for a soldier whose very life depends on the bond with the soldier next to him it is a :cen:ed up situation. Do you endanger countless lives or a possible blackmail scenario or do you turn them in protect the force and lose the trust of many around you? Clinton did more harm to the military with this one decision than anything else he did because this goes to the very heart of what it means to be a warrior and needs to be corrected ASAP.
To me this is the only issue with gays in the military because my personal views on their lives should not be relevant. Just like anyone's personal opinions about race, religion, politics etc have no place in the service. You leave that :cen: at the door and do the damn job.
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