Flags Of our Fathers

enjoying it? I have a little background knowledge, but the audiobook's sitting on my shelf waiting to be listened to.
Flags was an amazing movie. I think the gore will turn off the female audience, but thats a reality of the Battle of Iwo Jima. I came in with low expectations, and was blown away when it was over. Ira Hayes' story was really touching and the actor who played him should win an Oscar. I have always been facsinated with Native Americans and Ira Hayes was portrayed greatly. The ending was also perfect in my opinion.
I just got done reading the book yesterday. I havn't had a chance to see the movie. When it came out I was at Camp Lejeune doing MCT, and since then I havn't really had a lot of free time. I plan on buying the DVD when it comes out though
I went in expecting to be blown away by a stellar war movie. What I got was more of a social commentary. It was good for what it was, but it wasn't what I went to see. There were minor inaccuracies here and there for poetic license, but it was mostly accurate, at least.
Although I'm not some war hero, or a hero for that matter I know a bit about being paraded for propaganda purposes. I somewhat fell in that category.
Why? These days lots of Koreans are dodging the draft.
I didn't have to serve but I showed up... not neccessaily for all the patriotic reasons but that didn't matter and I still get paraded around at times. It's very stressful when you get credit for something you don't deserve. That's all I'll say.
Flags of Our Fathers is out :cen: standing. I went and saw it with a friend who was a former Marine. He said the movie was dead on. Who ever said there was a liberal bias to the movie is looking way too deep into the movie. Parading those guys around declaring them heros is exactly what happened. FYI, if I were paraded like that, I would have been

My favorite part was at the end when there was a slide show of real photographs from the battle and the "dog and ponie show." And its no surprise that the Clint made those photos into scenes in the movie. I cannot wait for the movie depecting the Japanese side of the story to come out. I remember reading some critic complain about not seeing much of the Japanese in the movie. All I could think about was "you idiot, you'll get you fill of Japanese soldiers in the next film (Letters from our Fathers I think)."

FYI, if I were paraded around like that, I would be as drunk as the Native American


Agreed on all accounts.

Actually Clints next movie is entitled "Letters from Iwo Jima" and will be based on letters written by Japanese soldiers sent home. I believe it comes out in March.
The Scotsman?

movingOtarget, why the quote from the Scotsman? It's a bit like me quoting from the Alabama Post! Sorry for going of topic, please punish me!