I'll be seeing it during the thanksgiving holidays... anybody read the book?
I'm currently read it.
I'll be seeing it during the thanksgiving holidays... anybody read the book?
enjoying it? I have a little background knowledge, but the audiobook's sitting on my shelf waiting to be listened to.
Flags of Our Fathers is out :cen: standing. I went and saw it with a friend who was a former Marine. He said the movie was dead on. Who ever said there was a liberal bias to the movie is looking way too deep into the movie. Parading those guys around declaring them heros is exactly what happened. FYI, if I were paraded like that, I would have been
My favorite part was at the end when there was a slide show of real photographs from the battle and the "dog and ponie show." And its no surprise that the Clint made those photos into scenes in the movie. I cannot wait for the movie depecting the Japanese side of the story to come out. I remember reading some critic complain about not seeing much of the Japanese in the movie. All I could think about was "you idiot, you'll get you fill of Japanese soldiers in the next film (Letters from our Fathers I think)."
FYI, if I were paraded around like that, I would be as drunk as the Native American