Okay, I will attempt to comment intelligently on this without throwing my iPad through the wall... I spent two decades in the US Army, specifically armor- one of the combat MOS's that are suppose to have females integrated. I also worked with female soldiers many times, and so my opinions are colored by those experiences. Just a heads up- that ain't good! Specifically, back in 1999 I was gunning for the then commander of 1-8 Cav, 2nd BDE, 1st Cavalry Division (mechanized) on the then brand new M1A2 SEP Abrams main battle tank (MBT). That was an experience in and of itself, as I was gunning for then LTC Robert Abrams. Now the commanding general at FORSCOM. I got a call one day at lunch from Abe telling me that I needed to get my guys down to the motor pool asap, and link up with the division PAO. Evidently, there was a young lady who was suing the government to be a tanker. 20/20 had gotten hold of the story, and wanted to get some video of her doing tanker stuff. Well, we were in the middle of services, and had just started changing track pads on the S-3 major's tank. We were also changing a comp idler arm seal, and two shock housing seals on my tank. Anyone familiar with tank maintenance knows- that's all heavy stuff. Real heavy.
She was a pretty stout girl, athletic and strong. It didn't matter though, once she had to start hauling road wheels and track sections, let alone try to pick up the comp idler arm (along with one of my guys), she was done. Never aired the story, and never heard anything else about the lawsuit. Now, aside from that, I really don't think that females on tank crews will work for numerous other reasons. Early in the invasion of Iraq, we lived IN our tanks for weeks. Literally lived in them: eat, sleep, crap and fight. Well, not much sleep... I remember when I got my first shower- it was about 3 1/2, 4 months into the deployment. Even then, those "showers" were on the back deck of the tank, with one of the guys pouring water over me from water jug. Oh yeah, did I mention that I was standing on the tank naked? In the middle of an assembly area? Now, tankers probably have it better than most other combat arms MOS's. At least we have something to get inside of. Infantry? Ha! Those guys love having us around, just so they can heat water up on the exhaust grills from our turbine (read "jet") engine. Especially if it's cold. Well, there's just some of my experiences. I'm sure there are one or two female soldiers out there who could do it. I just don't think that it would work out in the long run. Maybe if the psyche of the American male changes, and they don't jump at the chance to do the pretty girl's work. You know, because that's the gentlemanly thing to do. And there might be a chance.... You guys know how soldiers are. Hell, even most of the females I've known in the Army were dirty minded horn dogs. Just like all of those young, extremely physically fit men. In the prime of life, and sowing their wild oats. Everywhere they possibly can... LoL, should be fun to see how this plays out! Just hope and pray it doesn't cost us lives. Because that's our most important job: taking care of soldiers. Without them, the mission will never be accomplished.