Failed States Index

Canada, Sweden, Norway and Australia seem to be the ONLY "Sustainable" countries in the world ... everybody else is on a downward slope and is in danger of self destructing according to those who put the index together.

Hooray for us!!! Take that rest of the world :p

Apart from the racial violence, running out of water, the political leadership tensions, the troops at war, the unstable region, the DAMN KIWIS sneaking in here when ever they get the chance (kidding, I love you guys), the droughts, the cyclones, the bushfires, the poor minority native population, the rise of desertification, salinity, refugees, illegal fishing, terrorist cells being arrested and Tasmanians we're pretty bloody sustainable. I'd hate to see how bad it is in other "unstable" countries.
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Norway score on a couple of the indicators (The score is authored higher domestic than shown on the index), so the reason for portraying us to be a sustainable country is beyond my knowledge - I believe we will become a "monitored country" if Socialistic Left, Labour and Center Party countinue their dramastic budget cuttings, broken promises and sub rosa communist politics the remaining years of their period.
You said
Well good for you there are not many that can use the internationally recognised "head in the sand" method of problem solving effectively I wish you well in your attempts.

(not necessarily inevitable though).

I went to the reference site(s):

I tried to wade through the highbrow language to figure out just exactly what it was that they were monitoring and just exactly what their index really meant. It was so d*mn convoluted that a 'firm' answer to my many questions was impossible. I believe that what it boiled down to was that they are looking at certain factors that lead them to believe that countries are either stable enough to weather the storm or they are not. I read this to mean that either the governments are strong enough to survive or they are not. How much inevitability they place on their findings I have no idea.

As I said - "As far as I am concerned ... this "Failed State Index" isn't worth the paper it is printed on." & the egotism of those who created it is only surpassed by the total crap it represents." This has NOTHING to do with "having my head in the sand". What it means is that I found that their theory doesn't hold together as far as I could see.
Well put Monty! Monitoring and almost collapsing isn't the same indeed. I also monitor the oil level in my car and it runs nicely.
The score for those countries is a combination of several factors. America is very much in the low area of being destabilized, but i'm assuming these guys are going by the toughest standards not to show which countries are having a few problems, but the really messed up countries.

I'm pretty sure the map and statistics were meant to reflect the red coutries the most and their problems. North Korea, Sudan, Iraq, Congo, Colombia, Pakistan, these countries are the ones you need to be worrying about. The monitoring status just means a country received a B+ instead of an A.

Pay attention to the ones who are getting Fs and what impact they can have on world affairs should anything worse happen in those places.
AussieNick said:
Hooray for us!!! Take that rest of the world :p

Apart from the racial violence, running out of water, the political leadership tensions, the troops at war, the unstable region, the DAMN KIWIS sneaking in here when ever they get the chance (kidding, I love you guys), the droughts, the cyclones, the bushfires, the poor minority native population, the rise of desertification, salinity, refugees, illegal fishing, terrorist cells being arrested and Tasmanians we're pretty bloody sustainable. I'd hate to see how bad it is in other "unstable" countries.

Hey we only come over to beat you at sport.
Besides we dont see Manly as Australian there are enough Kiwis there now to claim it I am sure.

AussieNick said:
1 sport only. Is that the best you can do ;-)

You mean there is more than one?

I suspect you have forgotten Netball and we have a pretty good average on both Rugby League and Basketball these days.
MontyB said:
You mean there is more than one?

I suspect you have forgotten Netball and we have a pretty good average on both Rugby League and Basketball these days.

Pfft, yeah.... you've got us shaking in our boots :-P
b2ee said:
The map looks interesting, but useless. It's just a view from some people.

Couldn't have said it better. I am sure someone can come up with a scale with standards that would make Iraq look like a utopia and Australia a battleground.
Marinerhodes said:
Couldn't have said it better. I am sure someone can come up with a scale with standards that would make Iraq look like a utopia and Australia a battleground.

This was the point that I was originally trying to make. I visited their site and tried to wade through the convoluted theories trying to figure out what usage they were trying to derive from the index. I failed to ascertain exactly what they were trying to say ... it appeared that what they were trying to say was that based upon the various criteria, different countries (according to the colors), were more likely to undergo violent and severe upheavals than other countries (I think).

Oh h*ll - as I said
"As far as I am concerned ... this "Failed State Index" isn't worth the paper it is printed on."
All it is, is a pretty colored picture of the world with various countries colored in different colors to identify some imagined political facet(s)
You guys are really missing the point here. Forget the countries that achieved lower scores than we expected, like the USA, and concentrate on the train wrecks like sudan and iraq. I'm almost certain that those countries were colored in red to grab our attention the most. A nice calm cream color for north america and europe didn't raise any alarms for me.
WarMachine said:
A nice calm cream color for north america and europe didn't raise any alarms for me.

It does if you proclaim to be the best and most advanced nation/region/continent on earth!
HAhahaaha oops... I forgot it again! Check out the nice color of Holland! Once again we are greater then then semi-underdeveloped piece of land called the New World. Maybe the Dutch should buy Manhattan again and show you how to run a country without nose-diving into a failed state! Christ, you've almost completed that formidable task within 300 years... that certainly must be a record for NorthWestern nations ;)!!!
Ted said:
HAhahaaha oops... I forgot it again! Check out the nice color of Holland! Once again we are greater then then semi-underdeveloped piece of land called the New World. Maybe the Dutch should buy Manhattan again and show you how to run a country without nose-diving into a failed state! Christ, you've almost completed that formidable task within 300 years... that certainly must be a record for NorthWestern nations ;)!!!

I want to see the Dutch come in and try to run the USA from this point forward and turn it around to the supposed utopia that is Holland. I will even give you 10 years to turn it all around. . . no takers? Thought not.
Toot toota toot toot-toot .......

(I don't mean to get into my country is better than your country squabble)


I would just point out the great job that Holland has done with the implementation of the legalisation of "soft" drugs that included MORE than just Marijuana. Holland NOW has one of the highest levels of aids in the unregistered prostitutes in the world and it can be traced back to their unprotected sex trying to earn enough money to feed their habits. The last numbers were projected to approach near 100% in a short time IF something wasn't done (numbers were a little old - not sure what the numbers are today).

So much for tooting Holland's horn
Hahaha I would love to take up the task Marinerhodes! Give us the tools and we'll finish the job. Of course this would require carte blanche to our imposed guide lines, but that would help us greatly. And before you know it you too can have a windmill and wooden clogs in your front yard!

I don't have the number of AIDS prostitutes in the unregistered section, kind of hard since they are unregistered. From what I know is that there are substancial programmes for drugs distribution so they can get it for free. So the need to have unprotected sex is limited. But many of them aren't Dutch a might not know about it! Once again I haven't got the number either, so I can't waylay your argument.