Egypt Vs. Israel future Confrontation opinions.

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Well, the Arabs atacked all togather before, and it dient work. And that was a time where Israel dident even have tech superiority.
Israelis are determined to stay, and that lets them to be on the edge
Isreal's probably biggest threat though is the Sea, They could send in an Invasion by the sea in a try to attack, However Most Likly It would be the Saudi's the made the first move now, they learned thier lesson after the first try and now set up a Very Nice Air-Defense system.
i got a question here,
if there is really a war between Isreal and Eygpt,
will U.S hep Isreal?

if U.S does, i am pretty sure that Eygpt army will lose
It Depends on who and what part is in office at the time, Most Likly George W. Bush would help, However if it was a Democrat thier is a chance we wouldn't just as of recent I heard thiere was some big arms deal....let me see if i can find the official report on it.
Dameon said:
It Depends on who and what part is in office at the time, Most Likly George W. Bush would help, However if it was a Democrat thier is a chance we wouldn't just as of recent I heard thiere was some big arms deal....let me see if i can find the official report on it.

well what if the arabs induce an oil embargo to the US?
yeah..oil embargo,
the arabian nations tried once and western world was shocked
Holand prime minister decided to ride bike go to office.

that was some 20-30 years ago

if arabian nations do that now when a war broke out, U.S will probably become nuts and attack any arabian nation does that
Lets try and stay on-topic? The topic is not USA vs. Egypt.... And either way, The USA would probably send an Air Train, but not much more...Israel wouldent ask for help in actuall fighting, it wont need it.
Lets try and stay on-topic? The topic is not USA vs. Egypt.... And either way, The USA would probably send an Air Train, but not much more...Israel wouldent ask for help in actuall fighting, it wont need it.

we are on topic. the topic is developing, we went from israel vs egypt to other arab nation joining w/ egypt to the US helping israel to arab block of oil to the US. The topic grows naturally

Mod edit: I dont need help, and there is a reason why im moderating this so closely.
Isreal wouldn't need help in the actualy fighting, I agree with you ver much thier. Most Lilkly where they stand now they would need No help, However they would get in some trouble with getting the resources in. After a few months of fighting ( if it last even that long) isreal would begin to run out of supplies.
Many of my moms younger friends served in the army in israel, and many said that if war breaks out they will go back and enlist back into service
Yeah thats one thing, for a nation with only 6 million people they have a very large army.....but then agian alot of smaller nations with small populations have nice sized military soilder wise, However Israel has a large army in all parts.
i think Isreal will need some help when a war really break out with Eygpt,

i doubt Eygpt will atttack Isreal along,,,it will probably attack with other Arabian armies like Syria,
can anyone make some sort of predication that can Isreal win against whole bunch of Arabian nations
It would all depend, I think the Egypt Nation would probably attack when Israel's guard is down, like in a time of mourning, They probably wouldn't even decalre it an 'official' war.
If talking about Egypt vs Israel, I am really not interested in it, since the result will be too obvioulsly for at least the coming 50 years I bet.

Maybe a Isreal vs Arab Topic is more realistic and interesting, it asks for alot of knowledge around the M.E. and the intersections of almost all big powers especiallly USA.

Shall we? New Topic "The Next Isreal - Arab War".
Well this topic has been going that way, I feel it is safe to say you can not Talk about war with Egypt VS Israel because Egypt would not do it alone, if israel was Invaded it would be a joint Operation between many nations.
Dameon said:
Well this topic has been going that way, I feel it is safe to say you can not Talk about war with Egypt VS Israel because Egypt would not do it alone, if israel was Invaded it would be a joint Operation between many nations.

Yeah but we have to stick to TOPIC, I read SHERMAN made this clear in his post too, that's why.

But I would like some other one to Open the new Topic, if SHERMAN finds OK.
I Think in the end, when it is all said in done if it was only Israel would probably be able to beat Egypt, they are a small nation with a alrge Military, they could easily defend agianst Egypt in the end, however they probably shouldn't go on to the offensive.
The fact is that Egypt cannot come into Israel, so in any war israel would have to attack first and that would invite other enemies, while egypt would be destroyed like it was before, taken by surprise during coffe break
Egypt has learned not to take coffee breaks though, also the chances of israel attacking is not likly, They have gotten most of The Ancient land back from Egypt.
Dameon said:
Egypt has learned not to take coffee breaks though, also the chances of israel attacking is not likly, They have gotten most of The Ancient land back from Egypt.

I am not saying Israel would all I am saying is that is the only way a war could start
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