Does the "Fire only when fired at" law make sense?

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Re: well

sherman105 said:
I dont care how young the bastard is. Once he points a gun at you, he is a combatent, and should be shot, stabbed, run over blown apart or what ever is nessesary to defend your self.

yea man your probably right. but, hey, think before you shoot.
Re: well

about face said:
actually, it dosnt even have to be a gun if that little jerk charges me with flint knife im gonna take him out :twisted: :m16shoot:

You're one heck of a tough guy there, about face.
In Cambodia, in 92, the UN ROE was: don't shoot back unless fired meant "fired upon", not left or right but "upon"....that was basically fire back if you are not dead.
Soon after deployment, a Dutch armed radio operator was escorting some UNMOs (Unarmed Military Observers :lol: OK....United Nations Military Observers). They were stopped at a checkpoint manned by some local governmental soldiers. The UNMOs disembarked and went to start negociations and one local pointed his Kalach menacingly to the team leader. The Dutch soldier shot him in the leg...
That turned into a scandal and the poor Dutch guy was sent back home for over-use of violence!!!
The UN lost credibility and enjoyed a non-stop wave of attacks on its people and looting of its warehouses for the duration of the mission...
The UN did not show any resolve and lost face!!!

well as far as shooting the kid i would the only reason to point a gun at someone is to kill them with it i rather get in trouble for killing the kid then get killed thanks for the process for asking promission [/code]
that subject of fire when fired upon is quite good. if i see the enemy and he sees me, but does not fire i will pump him for what he is worth( which to me is nothing since his job is to kill me).
The Sniper said:
that subject of fire when fired upon is quite good. if i see the enemy and he sees me, but does not fire i will pump him for what he is worth( which to me is nothing since his job is to kill me).

You're a hard man, Sniper, how about heading to the Welcome Center and giving us an introduction.

Well, as I allready said, the age thing dose not applay. Marksman, if a kid like you pointed a gun at me, at any range, Id be worried. Kids in Lebannon(and even in Israel) are not like Western Euoropian kids. I I point my weapon at you, I strongly suggest to you to either duck or fire yours. 12 year old kids in Lebnon carry RPG7s around, and they are as much a terrorist as any Hizballah man, which is reasonable, cause if I lived in Lebanon, id carry a punch 2. But it comes with the cost that you are considerd a combatent.
Re: well

Redleg said:
sherman105 said:
Oh, and as to the AK pointed=giving the finger, well thats partially true, but I would hate to take my chanses, so the IDF policy(as i know) is to blast away....Well, I guss Norwegians are just more cool headedn then us.

I think it's much more likely that they would shoot at the IDF than a Norwegian Peacekeeper.. ;)

But I guess that Norwegians are a bit more "cooleheaded" than many other nations as well when we work abroad. 8)
I can give many examples of situations we have encountered that I'm sure would have turned out a lot more nasty than they did if some other nations were involved.
I guess it comes from experiences learned from our 20 year long stay in Lebanon where we had no heavier weapons than the 84mm Carl Gustav (which we was not allowed to use much anyway), and no backup forces, so we had to rely on our "cool heads" and diplomatic skills, rather than brute Force and the entire American Air Force.. :lol:
This is something we have brought with us to most AORs abroad, mostly with great success.

And to you first comment:
the UN ROE in Lebanon is a MILITARY one, but it's ment for Peacekeeping operations, which is quite different to Peaceenforcing ones.. ;)
UN ROEs are different from mission to mission, and it depends if it's PK or PE as well.

And as Redneck said, ROEs will ALWAYS be issued for a military operation, if it's not (in case of a homeland war/invasion etc.) every country has their standard ROEs for those kind of situations.

I heared some good metioning of the Swedish Peacekeeping missions in Lebanon aswell, they aparently held back a enemy force exanching fire for quite a long time, they held the position and was prached, as of what i remember.
"Kids in Lebannon(and even in Israel) are not like Western Euoropian kids"

If you point a gun at me, I don't care what you are or how old you are...I'd better be history because if you miss, you will be....and if you don't finish me, I would come back and make sure you'd won't try again...

Corsican vendetta thing: make sure your enemy and all its abled relatives are gone! :rambo:
Eric said:
If you point a gun at me, I don't care what you are or how old you are...I'd better be history because if you miss, you will be....and if you don't finish me, I would come back and make sure you'd won't try again...

Corsican vendetta thing: make sure your enemy and all its abled relatives are gone! :rambo:

Hmm.. :D

One of the problems dealing with arabs/muslims is "blood vengeance"...
If you kill one, his family has the "right and duty" to kill you or one of your family.
In our case in Lebanon, the "family" was another Norwegain PeaceKeeper.
If you shot one Arab without a VERY good reason you could be sure that you would be their prime target after that, and if they were not able to reach you, one of your friends was just as good a target... :?
We had a couple of situations like this down there (not killed, only injured), and it was not pretty at all.
First the lebanese HATE being called arab... and 2nd not everyone in lebanon has a weapon... the war has been over for a few years now the christian and the muslim army are one....etc...
Jtf2 said:
First the lebanese HATE being called arab... and 2nd not everyone in lebanon has a weapon... the war has been over for a few years now the christian and the muslim army are one....etc...

Nowhere does it say everyone in Lebanon has a weapon.

What are you talking about? The majority (95%) in Lebanon are Arab. Lebanese is their nationality, Arab is their ethnicity. The Armenians within Lebanon do not typically like being called Arab because well, they aren't.

First the lebanese HATE being called arab... and 2nd not everyone in lebanon has a weapon... the war has been over for a few years now the christian and the muslim army are one....etc...

Well, this is offtopic, but you are wrong about most of it. Firstly, I dont know where you got the part about them not liking to be called arab, they are arabs, and most are proud of it(with good reasons). About the weapons them selves, well, thats true, but i never said they all have weapons, just a lot of them, really, alot. The war has been over for a few years, but the Terorist groups are still armed. Hizballah controlls southern lebanon, and did not merge into the lebanese army. The christian militias in the south disarmed because the IDF was no longer there to help after the withdrawl, not because the y stopped hating the Sunis and Shiaits. The druze certenly are not going to disarm for anyone. The palestinian refugees in Lebanon are not recognised as citizens. The Syrians and Israel are both ready to go back in at any time. War there is always an option. Jtf, If you want to respond to this, qoute it and opena new discussion please, this is offtopic.
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