Do you think a virgin wife is important?

Do you mind if your wife is not a virgin?

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No, I never was a big fan of virgins.
I'd rather be with someone who's seen the world and had a few relationships before.
I'd also prefer someone who's had a few relationships, but a relationship doesn't have to involve sex. Making out is perfectly acceptable. :) Out of two girls with several relationship experiences and all things being equal, I'd pick the virgin one.

Natural instinct for me, lol. :mrgreen:
I'd also prefer someone who's had a few relationships, but a relationship doesn't have to involve sex. Making out is perfectly acceptable. :) Out of two girls with several relationship experiences and all things being equal, I'd pick the virgin one.

Natural instinct for me, lol. :mrgreen:

Ok, you all whats the deal with sex and virginity???? Once you fall in love you dont care if the guy or the girl has been half way around the world....Really.."Brains" define a person not a piece of tissue....
Ok, you all whats the deal with sex and virginity???? Once you fall in love you dont care if the guy or the girl has been half way around the world....Really.."Brains" define a person not a piece of tissue....

Indeed, Could not phrase it better, and I (think) I am a man (maybe substitute "brains" with "brains and a healthy soul in a perfect body" :) ?).

Really, this virginity business has (at least from my POV) nothing to do with how you fair with your lover... Sex (and this includes this discussion in my view) only is important if something does not work... At least this is what I have experienced, myself, and by watching (ha-ha! You know how I mean it...) others.

My 2 EuroCents

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i would be uncomfortable knowning that my wife had sex with like 10 guys before getting married to me :p call me narrow minded or old fashioned but thats just the way i feel about it.
If it's all about being a "person" and not "tissue" then why do you ladies spend BILLIONS of dollars daily on thousands of beauity products, luxury clothes, 50 shoes, jewelry, liposuction, face lifts or diet pills?

You tell us men to be "who we are" while you wear a couple pounds of make up, long heels and a push up bra. That's hypocracy. :shoothea:
-snip- ...while you wear a couple pounds of make up, long heels and a push up bra... -snip-

Hypocrite and traitor that I am for the male cause: ... which is just what we want!!!! Do not ever stop!!!! :)

(Ok, I could do without the makeup... :) )

I think people who have issues about their girlfriend/wife's former relationships has a serious insecurity problem.
Through those experiences, the good ones and the bad ones, she has become who she is today. And what is the true meaning behind all of this? You're a better man than those she chose before you.
If you can't listen to her when she wants to talk about experiences of the past, you're not much of a man at all.
i would be uncomfortable knowning that my wife had sex with like 10 guys before getting married to me :p call me narrow minded or old fashioned but thats just the way i feel about it.

How bout men sleeping with bout 20 girls????? any diffrence??? Just wait until you fall in'll be kissing the floor she walks on....

If it's all about being a "person" and not "tissue" then why do you ladies spend BILLIONS of dollars daily on thousands of beauity products, luxury clothes, 50 shoes, jewelry, liposuction, face lifts or diet pills?

You tell us men to be "who we are" while you wear a couple pounds of make up, long heels and a push up bra. That's hypocracy. :shoothea:

What does that have to do with virginity???? Thats to make us feel good, and develope confidence...and anyway isn't that what men go after??? When the wife starts packing a couple of pounds, and gets so much into her daily routine of family, husband, and kids etc...dont men start looking at the woman "who" wear make-up, and spends "billions" of dollars on looking beautiful???? LOL, go tell that story to someone who will believe for me I know the way strings are pulled..8-)
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Women say that it should be about the "person" and "inner beauty" and not about "the tissue" but even they themselves don't believe in that.

Nevertheless, I must say, I do believe in TRUE LOVE and I believe when you find your THE ONE, you'll realize that he or she may not be the most beautiful or handsome creature in the universe but still you wouldn't change him or her for anyone else...


All I'm saying is that virginity is not important when you really love your girl. But for me, I prefer it over experience.
I think people who have issues about their girlfriend/wife's former relationships has a serious insecurity problem.
Through those experiences, the good ones and the bad ones, she has become who she is today. And what is the true meaning behind all of this? You're a better man than those she chose before you.
If you can't listen to her when she wants to talk about experiences of the past, you're not much of a man at all.

Couldn't of said it better...the best part of this statement is that it's a "real man" saying what really, Red you really do have it in you!!!! LOL!!! and all this time I couldn't tell!! J/K LOL!!!
How bout men sleeping with bout 20 girls????? any diffrence??? Just wait until you fall in'll be kissing the floor she walks on....

I think people who have issues about their girlfriend/wife's former relationships has a serious insecurity problem.
Through those experiences, the good ones and the bad ones, she has become who she is today. And what is the true meaning behind all of this? You're a better man than those she chose before you.
If you can't listen to her when she wants to talk about experiences of the past, you're not much of a man at all.

Well you both make some good points. and 13th yeah when it comes to relationschips i really have an insecurity issue, i had to many bad experiences unfortunatly. but still their is many wisdom in youre words. i will think and reflect about it :)
I have never been reported in a Marian apparition, so Virgins are not really important for me.

I joined the Spanish Foreign Legion and there we said in a song something like "never minds your previous life". I live the moment with a woman not her previous history.

Even If I ever meet a virgin that wouldn´t show me she is better than a woman who had lived a sexual plenitude. Other things are much more important that that: Feelings, nice conversation, to have a partner to be in love...chastity belts are not good for underwear. :wink:

Agreed Solideo.
You can have an experienced woman who is wise in the ways of the world, is caring, understanding etc... in most cases, if you find a woman with such attributes, they will be pretty experienced.
My experience with young women was bitterly dissappointing. For the most part, brainless, confused, needy... glad I don't have to deal with that in my personal life anymore.
-snip- ...when it comes to relationships I really have an insecurity issue, I had too many bad experiences unfortunatly.

But still there is much wisdom in your words. I will think and reflect about it :)

Please do so. What is good, comes back. What you shout into the mountains is what you will hear. It is you who decides in that respect.

If you need a long time charming a girl into getting her flattened legs in the air, then you are on the right track, you succesor will need the same time... Be yourself and believe that your gal is with you because you are who you are.

Cynical, maybe, but true.

Love conquers everything in the end.

Do you mind if your wife is not a virgin?

I would after the first night!:-(

Note: I would also mind if after the first night, she wasn't and I was.
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All I'm saying is that virginity is not important when you really love your girl. But for me, I prefer it over experience.
Thanks, it's nice to see someone who would rather have a relationship with a girl that hasn't slept with every guy they could possibly drag home from the bar.

Even if [we] are clueless, brainless, and needy.

(Or don't right off do a deep throat perfectly. :-x)

I swear. The more I read (and hear from friends) you'd think virginity is a ****ing disease rather than a choice.

Which one would men run faster from?;
Woman #1 = "I have herpes."
Woman #2 = "I'm a virgin."

OMG, NOT A VIRGIN! *Que running.* (After all, chances are if she has herpes and knows it she's on meds, and you can always wear a condom. The virgin is...

...oh God...


p.s. This virgin is PMSing. :-x
Wow, really? I thought virginity was only a stigma for men. That's horrible for humanity, great for young guys. :-D
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