I think we should ditch it.
First, I believe if you want to put a true stamp on the sanctity of life, it must extend to all Americans.
Next, I think the death penalty draws needed resources from the judidical system. Capital cases are expensive and bound to be appealed over and over.
What's the result? DAs plea bargain other briminals to lesser charges and lesser sentences so they have the resources and money to take on a capital trial. Considering a life sentence (in PA, life is life without parole) is as effective as killing the guy, in terms of the murderer re-injuring society, the net result is a guy removed from society forever and other criminals on the streets sooner.
This does more harm to society.
FInally, I do not feel the deterrant value of the death penlty is significantly greater than a sentence of life without parole. Is it a greater deterrant? Sure. Is it worth the cost and strain on the judicial system? Is it worth plea bargaining 10 felony assault charges to lesser midemeanors?
Not in my opinion.
Doody said:
The US could reduce the cost of keeping someone in jail for life by taking away TV's and some of the other luxuries of life that are found in today's prisons.
I disagree. First, in PA, the prisoners pay for cable from their own accounts. Second, TV acts as a "babysitter." Consider. Most prison systems do not arm the guards/officers. This is done to prevent the prisoners from pbtaining weapons. Next, consider the guard to inmate ration in most prisons. At times, you will have one officer for 50 or more prisoners.
Taking away cable leaves them with more time to think and plan and get frustrated.
Cable TV actually cuts down on inner prison (including against officers), as does good food and sporting events.
I know I don't like those dirtbags having stuff normal people don't. Truth is, it saves lives and greatly reduces the chances of riot in the over-crowded and understaffed prisons.
In case you haven't guessed, I have a fairly strong familiarity with the PA penal system (no, not an inmate, never was).