Croatian military pictures thread

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As AMV vehicles came into active use, Soldiers of the 1st Company of the 1st Battalion, Guard Motorised Brigade have trained whit U.S. mobile training team to learn tactics, techniques and procedures from American Stryker battalion.


SHARP LYNX 12 International Exercise

International military exercise of the Multinational Military Police Battalion (NATO MNMPBAT) SHARP LYNX 12, which was held in Polish Wedrzyn from 10 September, ended on Friday, 21 September 2012 with distinguished visitor's program.

For the lined up members of the military police of the Croatian, Polish, Slovak and Czech armed forces - which together constitute MNMPBAT - the most important event of the day, but also in the whole military exercise was MNMPBAT certification by NATO CREVAL evaluators. The commanders of the military police, Colonel Tihomir Zebec (Croatia), Major General Miroslaw Rozmus (Poland), Colonel Milan Schulc (Czech Republic) and Colonel Jaroslav Hamar (Slovakia), jointly signed "Declaration of Achievement of Full Operational Capability Status". By this MNMPBAT, after years of dedicated work and close collaboration of many members of the military police of all four nations, was given "full operational capability status," thus making a big step towards its next goal - joining NATO Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE NATO).

Besides NATO MNC NE Commander, General Rainer Korff, the final day of SHARP LYNX 12 was also attended by Rear Admiral (LH) Tihomir Erceg, Major General Pavel Macko, Major General Ildefonso Hernandez Gomez, Colonel Brian Bisacre, Major General Miroslaw Rozanski, Brigadier General Franciszek Kochanowski and numerous other representatives of NATO and military officials from many countries. In his speech during the closing ceremony, NATO MNC NE Commander, General Rainer Korff thanked all the participants of the SHARP LYNX 12 international military exercise for their effort and enthusiasm shown, and emphasizing the importance of exercise and the entire NATO MNMPBAT multinational project, he said, "We come from different countries, we have different names and speak different languages, but our goal is the same - we want to contribute to freedom and democracy". Rear Admiral Tihomir Erceg in his address welcomed the progress achieved and MNMPBAT results and announced that Croatia would continue to support this project and to participate in it.

During the last day of the SHARP LYNX 12 international military exercise, MNMPBAT readiness demonstration was held. Therefore, the members of the Croatian, Polish, Czech and Slovakia military police showed how capable they have been to effectively solve complex military police tasks in joined and coordinated manner.

Udar 12 military exercise


The tactical life fire exercise Udar 12/2 completed today, October 26, 2012, at a military training area "Eugen Kvaternik" at Slunj. The exercise commenced on October 22, with the participation of more than 400 members of the Croatian Army and Croatian Air Force and Air Defence.

The final part of the exercise was attended by several distinguished guests, including the Advisor for Defence of the Croatian President, Zlatko Gareljić, Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović, Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Drago Lovrić, CAF service commanders, former chiefs of General Staff, and representatives of the Ministry of Interior and Local Government. Responsible for the exercise was the Guards Motorised Brigade (GMTBR), and the Exercise Director and its Commander was Colonel Boris Šerić.

Exercise Udar 12/2 presented the training and readiness of the units in a swift and efficient preparation and implementation of the offensive combat operations, through concerted inter-branch and inter-service actions with the Air Force and Air Defence forces. In the final part of the exercise, in the simulated battlefield, the fire integration, fire control and manoeuvre of troops was seen, especially by the ACV Patria.

The final part of the exercise scenario was based on the attack of the Task Force equivalent to the Mechanized Battalion Group on the enemy troops. The Task Force consisted of GMTBR Command, the "Tigers" Battalion Command and its first Mobile company, the tank platoon M-84 of GOMBR Battalion"Martens", anti-tank group from the second GMTBR Battalion "Spiders", 122 mm D-30 howitzers and 122 mm multiple rocket launchers platoon from the GMTBR Artillery Rocket Battalion, and PC-9M aircraft and Mi-171Sh helicopters from the Air Force and Air Defence.

After completing the exercise, Minister Kotromanović addressed the participants and expressed his satisfaction. "Yesterday we signed the Declaration that the CAF was fully integrated into NATO. Today we have demonstrated: we have trained and prepared an army that can do all the tasks put before it, and it is primarily defending the Republic of Croatia and its sovereignty. Exercise was conducted very well, efficiently and effectively. It was a great pleasure to see people motivated, strong, ready, responsible and equipped", the Minister of Defence said, and announced more exercises and intensive training.

Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Lovrić said that the Udar 12/2 exercises provides and answer why the CAF so quickly integrated into NATO. "Armed Forces are ready to protect Croatia against all threats", the General said, having stressed that the Armed Forces would adapt and transform according to the new security challenges and threats.