*corrupt a wish*

You're the President of Burundi and end up killed in a terrorist attack the day after you were elected.

I wish I was myself.
good its not mightymacbeth, but u become him, and he was actually beheaded so....

I wish I had a jeeni (SP?????) the thing that grants u wishes..
You got to super and thought you could jump off a building. Turns out.......you couldn't.
I wish i was a butterfly.
you become a monkey, and a 500 pound male gorrila falls in love with you

I wish i had longer hair
You get longer hair, unfortunately it's only one hair and it's growing out of a gigantic mole in the center of your forehead.

I wish for the sun to come up tomorrow. :angel:
It does come up and then it never goes down and all water evaporates and we all die.

I wish I could have a pain killer.(broken leg)
A Japanese scientist discovers a way to pack a three-course meal in a pill. Eliminating the need for chefs, but you are still an awesome cook. 8)