*corrupt a wish*

I start begging like an annoying kid so everyone becomes annoyed :D

I wish I could see Fox in real life annoying Navy Boy and youngCAPcadet at some movie,restauant,ect.
Betty is too old now.

I wish I have my own army with thousand of tanks, men and choppers.
I slam it intu yer sory face slobidigolion :) lol

I wish I had a wish that made me wish for a wish that coundt wish that it wasnt a wish but one wish came and that other wish just wished that wish where it could become a wish so that wish lived hapopily ever after and thanx for that wish.. :)

Sorry, it's Mighty's wishes.

I wish I could play for Texas Longhorns and Dallas Cowboys.
You get takled by the other team and you cry like a little baby and quit the team.

I wish I sombody wouldn't answer my wish.
Well, your wish is granted!

I wish I could going to Iraq to fight against Insurgents.
but i pour gasoline on it and u light a cigarette and u drop it and ur bike blows up
i wish i ruled the air force