^ Confession time

Jenny....don't.....forget.....to....turn...the....tv....off. lol

What will your last words be? lol
"like dude, this is... weird."

lol :p I really dont know :p

Does love love love? or does hate hate hate? or does love hate love? or does hate love hate? lol
Uh...love love love. lol.....

Do you think it is crazy for Muslims to get angry at Pope Benedict's comment about the muslims in 14th century?
uhhh as good as going to school and having lots of work can be lol
have you ever got so annyed with poeple who you were in charge of that you wanted to look them in the supply closet? lol
Well I was informed a little while ago that I am going to be going to see it. Yay for me.

Have you eer been to the Pentagon?
I'll let you know if I ever take one. LOL But probably read like I do on long car rides. Unless I'm driving of course. ;)

What's the longest road trip you've ever taken?
Oh geez...When my ex and I went to Tennessee to visit my cousin. That trip turned into a nightmare and quickly brought the end of our marriage. Thanks for bringing that back!! Love you!! LOL ;)

What's your idea of the perfect vacation?
PAARRRRRTY!!!! lol...for real, hanging out....work.....stay home.

What would you do if you're bored?