^ Confession time

ehh.. gramatical error, confused me lol.

I would love to play online games and never get headaches heh

What do you like to change right now?
Old Military marches are a tradition. i like them but I like the new ones better. The new ones have evolved from the old ones.

What branch of the miltary do you want to join?
Hm...now this one is worth debate on. Army is my branch of decision but in my opinion the Marine Corps are tougher than the army because of the fact that they do 13 weeks of "boto camp" versus Army who do 9 weeks of "Basic Training" not to mention that Marines Boot Camp solely focuses on BRM. We do BRM too but not as strictly as the Marines do. Also in the Cadet program I am in that has 3 brigades (Army Marine and Naval) The Marine Brigade is held to higher standards both physically and mentally and they oush you to your limits so yes in my opinion Marines are tougher than Army.

What is your favorite Cadence??
Not yet, but my cousin says he'll take me for a ride on one when I go visit him. :D LOL

Have you ever watched all 6 Star Wars movies back to back?