Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 19, 2006 #1,541 Sure don't. Well its just people in general. Have you ever seen a Kodiak bear? (PS Captain Obvious has been promoted to Major(ly) Random...)
Sure don't. Well its just people in general. Have you ever seen a Kodiak bear? (PS Captain Obvious has been promoted to Major(ly) Random...)
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 19, 2006 #1,544 Yes, I have. My best friend has 3 of the evil beasties, and I seem to be their favorite victim. Have you ever been in or watched a Civil War re-enactment?
Yes, I have. My best friend has 3 of the evil beasties, and I seem to be their favorite victim. Have you ever been in or watched a Civil War re-enactment?
T The Cooler King Godfather Aug 20, 2006 #1,545 I saw Gettysburg, Gods and Generals, and Glory. Does that count? Do you like Chess?
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 20, 2006 #1,550 Well yeah!! I work in a daycare. LOL We colored a Hello Kitty book the other day, then I set it on fire. Oops!! Do you think Metallica did a better job on "Turn the Page" than Bob Segar did on the orginial?
Well yeah!! I work in a daycare. LOL We colored a Hello Kitty book the other day, then I set it on fire. Oops!! Do you think Metallica did a better job on "Turn the Page" than Bob Segar did on the orginial?
Team Infidel Forum Spin Doctor Aug 20, 2006 #1,551 I am biased because I like Metallica.. so yes.. Metallica... Do you like Metallica?
T The Cooler King Godfather Aug 20, 2006 #1,552 Nah, I like Classic stuff. 60s-Early 70s. What kind of music do you like?
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 20, 2006 #1,553 Love them!!! Although St. Anger sucked. Jason Newstead really did the band a disservice when he left. Do you like Nickelback?
Love them!!! Although St. Anger sucked. Jason Newstead really did the band a disservice when he left. Do you like Nickelback?
Team Infidel Forum Spin Doctor Aug 20, 2006 #1,554 Yeah, but i would never see them in concert. What was the last concert you saw?
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 20, 2006 #1,555 Uh...oddly enough...Nickelback with Three Days Grace. Do you think Panic! At The Disco is overrated?
Team Infidel Forum Spin Doctor Aug 20, 2006 #1,556 Disco was overrated, but it is now used to make some great Techno tracks. You like all types of music
Disco was overrated, but it is now used to make some great Techno tracks. You like all types of music
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 20, 2006 #1,557 I surely do. Everything from classical to death metal. Love music!!! Couldn't survive without it. What's your favorite type of movie?
I surely do. Everything from classical to death metal. Love music!!! Couldn't survive without it. What's your favorite type of movie?
Team Infidel Forum Spin Doctor Aug 20, 2006 #1,558 hmmmm.... Caper movies.. I love Oceans 11, 12, Entrapment, Italian Job... Love'em... big time Your favorite types of movies?
hmmmm.... Caper movies.. I love Oceans 11, 12, Entrapment, Italian Job... Love'em... big time Your favorite types of movies?
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Aug 20, 2006 #1,559 Anything but Sci-Fi and horror. Have you seen The Transporter 2? (Jason Statham...*dreamy sigh*)
F FutureDevilDog Active member Aug 20, 2006 #1,560 I havent Could you tell me (aproximatly) how much woold would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I havent Could you tell me (aproximatly) how much woold would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?