U USAFBoy Active member Dec 21, 2005 #702 yeah duh Are you a soldier ?:salute2: :salute2: :salute2: :salute2: lol:santam16:
MightyMacbeth I am Honor Dec 21, 2005 #707 tres bien alors mes amis. Raise ! arise my terra cotta army of Chinese warriors, BaNzAiI!! What do u do in a day that mostly occupy ur time?
tres bien alors mes amis. Raise ! arise my terra cotta army of Chinese warriors, BaNzAiI!! What do u do in a day that mostly occupy ur time?
Y youngCAPcadet Active member Dec 22, 2005 #708 get on the computer and post in various places, and talk on the phone.... Do you like jumping out of trees?
get on the computer and post in various places, and talk on the phone.... Do you like jumping out of trees?
Y youngCAPcadet Active member Dec 22, 2005 #710 afternoon-evening (the time I can talk to my friends) Do you like cooking
F Fox Can you hear me now? Dec 22, 2005 #713 I love to cook steak Do you like to bomb Mighty's wooden plane.
F Fox Can you hear me now? Dec 22, 2005 #715 Yeah. Would you like to go to Britain to see Mighty someday?
N Navy Boy I LOVE THE ARMY!!!!!! Dec 22, 2005 #716 If he gives me the cash to go up their sure. Do you like beer?
Rob Henderson Banned Dec 22, 2005 #717 I thought everybody did? Do you like to drive aimlessly around town to cool yourself off after a fight with someone?
I thought everybody did? Do you like to drive aimlessly around town to cool yourself off after a fight with someone?
MightyMacbeth I am Honor Dec 23, 2005 #720 would love to. why is everybody wanting to blow up Mighty's wooden planes soo much??