^ Confession time

Im like an indomitable galley cutting through the ferocious waves


What would you want to do before you die?
just sitting here since we arent busy.....counting down the time till i go home lol....

Whats the one thing you look forward to at the end of the day?
I think that would be any time ive spent with my daddy in the last three years...especially since his open heart surgery..which was very scary for me bc i had just lost my pawpaw...and I thought i was going to loose my daddy too...Mom and I arent very close..so only one of my close family that im close to is daddy...

In the last year if there was one thing you could change....what would it be?
no, someone thought I was a freshman in college...she was like "you're a freshman right, and I was like yeah, Im starting to like high school" and then she says "Oh I thought you were a freshman in college"

you ever play any sports in high school? if so name them...
no..was too busy working on getting things together for tops....but id have played softball if i did...i love baseball/softball

Do you have nieces or nephews?
I didn't know that you're an uncle, mighty.

What did I think of a child? Well, sometimes they can be brat and....cute.

Well, same question as above.
Oh, right, I used to think above the cloud is heaven. But really....I don't know....lol I think they are just a cloud.

What do you think of sun as a child?