^ Confession time

Id' like it a lot better if the guys would move somewhere else. Like....somewhere really far away....

Don't you hate it when you're on medication and it makes everything taste icky? :(
We do. Its called tourist season.

Why does it take someone two hours to call you back when they tell you they'll call you "in a couple minutes?"
Might as well been 7 years. Two officers and me spent just over 6 hours washing and waxing the Squadron's airplane. The belly of the fuselage was covered in motor oil. It took a pressure washer to get that sucker clean.

Ever done a double back flip into a pool filled with jelly?
:shock: Jesus ***s

umm no to the question...ive done one back flip into a pool filled with water though

Ever call your teacher something to their face?
No, but other student did. I thought it was funny to left the "stuff" on her face. hehehe...:firedevi:

Have you ever cussing front of your English teacher?