^ Confession time


what was one of the things that you do all the time, you know that you wish would happen, and when it does you don't like it anymore?
I thought I wanted this so-called great guy to ask me out and when he did he was a real jerk to me. Mistakes ...mistakes

What was yours?
I used to judge people, and if I wouldn't have I'd have been friends with my best friend for a lot longer than I have now...there are others oh and another one is saying things to my parents that I shouldn't have

Have you ever played fastpitch softball?
A little softball but I don't know what 'fast pitch' is.... Mostly mud football man, that is fun! I just realized that you have pic below your quote. How smart am I??? You take really good pictures.. I suck at it. My head always looks too big in them :(

Ever been in trouble with the police ???
hahahahaha Im guessing you're a blonde. I like football but I've never played anything but two-hand touch...thanks I get bored, and just start taking random pictures.

nope I never have, and hopefully- never will

have YOU ever been in trouble with the coppers?
I'm not blonde sometimes feel it though lol Play mud football if you can it is so much fun.. specially if it's a big group playing.

ummmmm.... A few times BUT some reason I get out of it. *knock on wood*
Have you ever felt bad and went on a pity date?

Have you ever liked someone and they knew you liked them, and they liked you and you found out from another friend?
Yes but he still wouldn't ask me out... she even told him I did too guys are stupid sometimes

Ever get cause sneaking out?
haha no, I would be SKINNED ALIVE...plus Im only 15...and 8 months!!

Have you ever dyed your hair? (highlights don't count)
Every chance I get!.. dark brown with dark red, blond, and light brown high lights. Mostly it's my hair just a little darker.

ever tried to straighten your hair
yeah...but only one straightner works on my hair, a chi straightner, and it so expensive, it took like and hour too cause when my hair's straight it is below my chest. The only thing is, is that my hair is FRIZZY, I've tried everything, I just give up and scrunch it, but strange as it is- I've never dyed my hair

Is your hair curly or straight? Nautrally...?
Well my hair is retarted because it likes to flip under, flip up, curl and a wave it in all in different areas at the same time! So I straighten it everyday... hate it
Never dyed it...really

Ever cut it so short you cried?
I was young, I didn't care about my hair...but I do have a story about my friend. Ok so she went to a beauty salon where the beauty school workers cut hair, and she had beautifully long, flowing ,straight, black hair. about to her chest. She only wanted an inch or two off, but instead, he cut it so short it BARELY touched her shoulders. She cried for 3 hours about it.

Would you ever date a 19-year old?
Depends if he was mature.. thats four yrs difference for me. but I don't know never been asked maybe if I really liked him.

How abut you would you date older then your age?
EVERY CHANCE I GET, I don't like to think I seem immature

would you become someone's stalker for 2 weeks for 500 dollars?
I prefer guys older then me too...

If it was Vin Desiel or Colinn Farrell I would do it for free!

Have you ever stalked anybody???
I'm 23...19 would be younger for me. If he was really hot and mature then yeah I would.

Ever lived anywhere else or where you born here?