^ Confession time

Well if you really want to know...Its hot, sexy, and pictured currently on my MSN. :mrgreen:

And what would you like, dah-ling?
I would like to be back in uniform sweating my cajones off in Benning embarassing all the young pups alongside me.

What is the worst X-mas gift you ever received from someone not a relative?
Um..................Lots of things...most of which aren't fit for young eyes. :mrgreen: :angel:

Do you know who said "For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother?"
yea in some shakespear play, King Henry methinks. Am I right? :camo:

If you woke up and found out that the city you are in contains no living human and or thing, what will you do ?
go umm, discover the place and enjoy my time :mrgreen: who wouldnt ?? :p

Whats the first thing that comes to your mind if you realize that you are shipwrecked on an un inhabited island?
Oh probably be overtaken, captured, and tortured. LOL I really don't know. Where on earth do you get these questions, Mighty? LOL

Why did they put a sidewalk there? It doesn't go anywhere...
My questions come from 'wonder' :p

Hmm, they put side walks for people I guess..

If you can press a red button which will either; 1) make your libs disappear(cut off, disabiling you for the rest of you life) or, 2) bring you fortune gold and money for the rest of your life. What will you do?
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Walk away.

I know the sidewalk is there for people, Mighty, but its just...there. It starts in the middle of nowhere and doesn't lead anywhere...it just makes no sense to me. LOL

Have you done anything exciting of late?
yea, planning my downfall :mrgreen:

I am confused. What are sidewalks? I though they were:

so? :p
You're exactly right, Mighty. I'll have to get a pic of this sidewalk. It literally starts in the middle of nowhere and leads absolutely nowhere. I just don't understand why its even there...

Are you currently plotting any evil doings?