^ Confession time

Many times. Usually followed by a trip to the ER....

Have you ever said the phrase, "Don't worry its not loaded?"

Have you ever been teaching someone to shoot and they close their eyes and turn their head away when they pull the trigger and THEIR BODY FOLLOWS WITH THE GUN?
OMG!! Yes!!!! My stupid little brother!!! Who can't hit the broad side of a barn with the barrel directly against it...

Have you ever tried to teach someone who has never shot anything in their life to shoot a compound bow?
Yes, you could call me a mass murderer of four footed creatures.

Have you ever been to a wild game dinner at the end of open season complete with moonshine that is PURE alcohol made from the water from a glacier in Ouray, Colorado?
Yes....many times....what a cruel dog on my street. Now, he's dead by the cop cause he's too wild to have the pet. Long ago.

Have you ever got biten by your own pet?

Why do they say everything "tastes like chicken?" How do we know? And if they say it tastes like chicken and it doesn't, does that mean that chicken doesn't taste like chicken?