Again, we are talking about so many things... Easy to get mixed up.
muscogeemike, I dont know... Honestly, If I feel guilty for not serving? I dont think so. Serving who? Joining what army?
I dont believe in nations and governments. So joining a government and taking an oath to protect a nation or following a government's orders isnt an option for me. It's true, I would be court martialed in my first week.
I think that you got me wrong here. But what you said next proves that you were on target at some point.
I went to college and learned about other cultures, about history... And this anti-US rhetoric works on me... In fact, I'm not anti US. I'm Pro-US. I'm as pro-US as they come. But I'm anti-Western Imperialism. I'm anti-colonization. I'm for true democracy. I'm for true politics. I'm for cultural diversity. And I'm an extremist when it comes to protect the poor classes from the upper classes and their capitalist BS ideal...
But most of you guys are anti-Us without even knowing... There is the historic USA, the USA of the constitution... And the US lying in bed with Saudis to get some oil...
There is the hard working America... And then there is financial America, making money out of nothing...
If you dont see the difference between these twos... Then you are a poor American. Even a Taliban could make a better American in these conditions.
This is it, there is honest people and there is SOBs... And I could have joined if I found a Honest people army fighting SOBs... Damn man, I would be the eager type who gets shot in the first seconds... The advantage is that you wouldnt have to listen to me speaking about justice... As you would think that it's annoying and naive... But hell, good for you if you find some peace.
And about the bar fights... That was the point. I never claimed that... I just said that I didnt have to prove myself to join a discussion... Some disagree...
Do I need a violence résumé to be accepted? I dont have enough experience? I have to join a battle to speak up? The little experience I had with violence isnt enough?
For me it's ridiculous... Maybe that I dont have the experience to understand what they meant... Maybe... But I still think it's too bizarre for my little mind. And if it's me being naive... Show some tolerance. Do you get angry when you see a naive kid?
I have no problem with you opinions, but when it comes to the attitude... I just cant handle that...
muscogeemike, if you care about history sir. Know that it was proven that semi-civilized people are the best when it comes to wage warfare and win a battle.
There is many interesting scientific papers on that.
From the Arab/Muslim invasions to your hill-billies...
But I really want to know how these hillbillies could win a battle in the information Era we are in. How to use a satellite link when you cant read? I really want to know if this historic rule still applies.
And I dont want a society of cowards... I want a society with faith in the fight agaisnt crime and corruption. For me, mankind will never achieve this everlasting peace, or this global order... It will never happen, violence is part of us. Some people will fail in respecting the law, and we will have to stop them. But in these days, we installed the corrupt people at the top, and they send honest people at the bottom to fight each others...
And I'm aware about lies... But I respect the liars who do that to get some attention from a lady...
I think it's part of the game ^^