Chinese PLA Army Drilling Pictures

i think many of those pictures are from 38th armies., let me guess...

especially those tanks, probably from the 7th armor in 38th,

7th armor is rumoured to have at least one battlioin of type 98s
flying frog is my hero, look all those good pics,

by the way, u notice flying frog's picture, it is a new book
i got this book just yesterday, i am reading it, there are some interesting ideas in this book , <modernizing China's military>

i will share my opinon about this book soon
PLA military school:

PLA special forces training series:

Armed Police:
Frog,Hi my friend.There has been a long break with you.

I see that you send to continue the cool pictures of china. :D
Came a something to my mind.Frog,Your country already has over of population,why does your central authority need woman soldiers.I think they are not necessary for military aim.Am I wrong?

Frog,Have a cool woman.
xman said:
Frog,Hi my friend.There has been a long break with you.

I see that you send to continue the cool pictures of china. :D
Came a something to my mind.Frog,Your country already has over of population,why does your central authority need woman soldiers.I think they are not necessary for military aim.Am I wrong?

Frog,Have a cool woman.
these women r doctors,graduated from the Bethune medical university :lol: maybe women can take care of the wounded better :lol:

PS:Bethune :a doctor from canada,helped the chinese army to fight with japanese during the WWII
that guy was a great guy, last summer i went back to china and went to the museam of that doctor..

i personally saw the old telegram he sent to his donaters and suppoters in china

he said wut he needs is more real medical stuff, like medince things..not personal luxuries, like cigars stuff . he said in telegram that he wants them stop send those luxuries, save the money to get more medical supplies..

wut a great man...
It all looks like propoganda to me. Showboating their technology saying "we can do it too" to the united states, who knows if that stuff even really works. Everything is too clean; vehicles, soldiers, it's a pre-planned photo-op. I'd be surprised if those are real missles, the vehicles look like props from Jurrassic Park to me :-p
Whispering Death said:
It all looks like propoganda to me. Showboating their technology saying "we can do it too" to the united states, who knows if that stuff even really works. Everything is too clean; vehicles, soldiers, it's a pre-planned photo-op. I'd be surprised if those are real missles, the vehicles look like props from Jurrassic Park to me :-p

Lol those were from Mercedes

That's exactly what's bothering me too about these drilling pictures, and there's always special forces with their shiny new NVG's, rifle scopes....I'd like to see an average PLA grunt-what he has to wear, what he has to eat, with what he shoots etc...
It all looks like propoganda to me. Showboating their technology saying "we can do it too" to the united states, who knows if that stuff even really works. Everything is too clean; vehicles, soldiers, it's a pre-planned photo-op. I'd be surprised if those are real missles, the vehicles look like props from Jurrassic Park to me :-p

You're not speaking with an open mind. According to the 2002 US Congressional Papers about China's Military, they are shocked of its moderinization progress plan. That is why the US insisted on keeping the EU Arms Embargo in place and placed China as a security threat.

There is too many FAQ (Frequently Answered Questions) in here

Please visit the UK-Based website: Please read carefully and learn something like I did.
Whispering Death said:
It all looks like propoganda to me. Showboating their technology saying "we can do it too" to the united states, who knows if that stuff even really works. Everything is too clean; vehicles, soldiers, it's a pre-planned photo-op. I'd be surprised if those are real missles, the vehicles look like props from Jurrassic Park to me :-p

whispering death, unless you have some form of verifiable evidence to support this claim, it will be considered country-bashing and any future occurence will result in further disciplinary action.

The topic is Chinese military pictures, stay on it.
well, i got to say those pictures of shining equips represent the 7 A-class armies and 15th airborn, Beijing Garrsion, marines and 7 regiments of SOFs,

i dont think class-B and class C are that well-equiped.
AsianAmerican said:
Hey Redneck does FlyingFrog come to these forums anymore? Thanks

His last post was 27 December, so he's probably having a long christmas holiday.. :)