Italian Guy
Milforum Hitman
Yeah the Hitler-Czechoslovakia analogy seems to be fit, RN.
Silent_Grunt_jb said:did you guys know that no nation with a McDonalds has ever attacked the United states. hopefully our presence will detur and such invasion cause I dont want to fight their army.
Isn't that de definition of a government?Silent_Grunt_jb said:the chinese have never been extremely trustworthy as a government and most times have hidden agendas or are trying to cover their butts.
Italian Guy said:By the way thanks for not letting Hong Kong elect their own Parliament, as you guys had promised them. Not surprising at all life was way better for them under UK authority and they miss it now.
Up with Taiwan 8)
Man, it should be CHINA to join Taiwan, along with some ashes on your heads as a sign of apologize.
5,000 people put to death in your country out of 5,500 all over the world, every year.
Yeah Taiwan is wrong, uh ?
Italian Guy said:Yeah the Hitler-Czechoslovakia analogy seems to be fit, RN.
sherman105 said:If all of you don't come down ill shut this down.
Now my 2 cents:
PR of China is not now, and never has been a democracy. Any western nation that allies with PRC should know that. Being an ally to China against Taiwan is supporting a Non-Democratic regime against a Democratic one. I opposed Israels actions to sell military equipment to PRC, and I oppose EU support to PRC against Taiwan . I believe that if China did invade Taiwan, the UN and the USA should fight against the PRC, and if possible bring the PRC Communist regime to an end.
Not exact analogy because the Hitler was the winner of the Hitler-Czechoslovakia invasion.
it is very regretful that your opposition is not useless because it is Israel who have asked China to buy your weapons. Your Israel need China to suppor your policy of MIddle East.
devmim said:Italian Guy said:Yeah the Hitler-Czechoslovakia analogy seems to be fit, RN.
Not exact analogy because the Hitler was the winner of the Hitler-Czechoslovakia invasion.
In order to disgrace China, perhaps you should choose the Mussolini-Greece invasion because your Mussolini was the loser of this invasion and must ask Hitler to save the flabby Italian army!![]()
Please tell me whether the Italian army have ever won any war in WWII ?????? 8) 8)
About Taiwan, I want to say following one sentence:
Territory Taiwan belongs to ALL Chinese in mainland China and taiwan, and all Chinese overseas, therefore those Chinese in taiwan can not simply take away a part of Chinese territory which belongs to ALL Chinese