China invade Taiwan? a view from a Chinese
Hello, friends, I really like this forum. I myself barely post anything, but I don’t feel good when I see some people showing strong hostile to China, so I want to make some comments here:
First: I think China is just trying to stop losing what originally belongs to them.----Remember: China never said they are eagerly take that province back unless that province eager to declare dependence. Why China can be just little open mind and just let it go? Go to library and read some books, I am sure you can find some answers. And why China these time show such strong desire to stop this? Check some news happened in last few months.
Second: Every empire dies----NO EXCEPTION, most of them die from being arrogant---again, dear friends, read some history books. I understand American do not have history but I wish American at least try to read some history books---even just a high school history textbook. 200 years as for a country is very short period of time, 50 years as super power is just a simple glimpse second in the time of history. This world is much more broad than most American think
Third: Do not talk nuclear war like a PC game, your girl friend and my girl friend both could really die if there is going to a nuclear war. A person still can survive for a while even he is arrogant----- but if he is arrogant AND ignorant, he is just running straight into his tomb and record of his life is a piece of joke.
Forth: There are devil Chinese and devil American, don let them fool us and doom the future. Try to think with our own brain and stop conflicts.
Fifth: China is evolving, even communists there are still calling themselves communists, China is overall becoming free world step by step. Considering its size and population please give it time---Just don’t take it for granted and think China as communist evil. Nobody like Communist---that is the reason they are chaning!! Try to think about China society like 1900s USA. And don’t forget Chinese and American were allies again Japs in WWII. The nature of people from both sides is not hostile to each other at all. But if you push it too hard, you are creating a real enemy. If you really want to talk about war----think about Chinese shadow in war in Vietnam and war in Korea the same time when you think about war in Iraq. America is developing, changing and improving, the world around you are also changing and improving. There is no single big country that is really ruled by a bunch of stupid guys and just sit there let you kill them if you do not like them anymore. Beside, look around everything selling in Walmart, if it is just one or two items produced from one place, it is not big deal, but when you talk about almost EVERYTHING and EVERYDAY from the SAME PLACE!! ---THAT IS NO MORE JUST “NOT A BIG DEAL!” And it happened just in 20 years. Think about what will be like in next 20 years. Nobody wants war, but arrogant and ignorant definitely will create one. Everybody lose in such a war between two big countries.
Last: again, dear friends, watch less Hollywood movie, read more books and you will begin to understand what is arrogant and what is ignorant.