CAP shout outs

airmanpatroler said:
thanks for the info gorfour20

Ya thanks :D. Sometimes I guess that it takes a C/Maj (or a C/Lt Col) to show people that every once in a while the C/MSgt (or the mod that spends half of her time on the forums with search engines running and on national's website or school's site's stalkin yall... :P ) actually knows what they are talking about.... (and if they don't, the smart ones just stay shut up...)
nulli secundus said:
Or, we smart ones let you guys/gals stay confused. It's a lot funner that way.

I was just lookin back at some of the conversations you and have had and I think sometimes it's best to use the best means of communication possible.... :roll: LOL.
CrazyCadet142 said:
airmanpatroler said:
thanks for the info gorfour20

Ya thanks :D. Sometimes I guess that it takes a C/Maj (or a C/Lt Col) to show people that every once in a while the C/MSgt actually knows what they are talking about

(Edited to make less confusing in the quote....)

Or you could just say it takes a GTL that has been an instructor at the Nat'l Emergency Services Academy. I guess I have the backround, I don't know (sarcasm). Or I could name all the other things I could comment on too.
Turner said:
I am in the cival air portal in 097 NJ terboar


I am a former member of NJWG. I am sure I know your current C/CC and Senior staff as well, for one, What's a portal. Civil Air Portal...hmm you going into deep space or something. Patrol my good man.

Also, 097 NJ? You mean NJ-097. It says that on your membership card, with NER before that. Like my old card says NER-NJ-079.

On a final note, terboar? What the????? You mean Teterboro? Please, I loved New Jersey Wing. Try to be proper when you write about my former wing, I mean, at least for me, the former NJWG Cadet of the Year.
silent driller said:
Anyone seen someone named cadetgirl10 wandering around here?

Nope,but the is one named Cadetgirl605 here. BTW :offtopic: :offtopic:

Oh, No double posting!
Look at the dates...his first post was one Mon Jan 10, 2005 01:29 am, the second one was made Wed Jun 08, 2005 17:48 pm. He was just reviving the thread. :lol: