Can USA really win a big war?

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Flyingfrog you are so blinded by your nations propaganda that i feel a deep amount of pity for you. There is no point even conversing with this guy. He simply cant comprehend facts or logic over the propaganda his nation spews out. Yes flying frog im sure your countries under trained men with ripped off tech can overcome the worlds most powerful and battle hardened military on the planet.
American mentality is the key no matter which way things go. If China lets it leak that they think that Americans are to weak and pathetic, then American resolve to prove you wrong kicks in. Yet if America is caught in a war situation that some people disagree with, we wimp out due to the extreme liberal idiots gradually dragging public sentiment to their own ideal. At least a decent amount of Americans would have to be able to say, "This war is not protecting the USA, why are we doing it?"

When America is 100% motivated, we can take on anyone you like, and with fury and persistence that is amazing. The trick is having all of America behind a cause.

All together, this makes the United States a very unpredictable element to add to any type of war equation. Its simply hard to know if America will go 100% and at 100% they are a match for anyone in the world.

By the way, Flying Frog, just cuz "Mao said so" doesn't make it true.
Of course, USA can win any big war.. no doubt about it.

If any one says China is good, then why did China lose its war with Japan in WW2? And USA was China's savior.

SO the logic is... Japan is better than China but USA defeated Japan. So China can never be better than the US, since China even lost to Japan.
That was WW2, but this spirit still holds true today.
Chinese people have never heard of ww2. It makes them look bad. The deaths the Japanese inflicted on them is astronomical.
Chinese people have never heard of ww2. It makes them look bad.

Perhpas not In the snese we know It as, but they were our allies back then. Of course the Great Communist State did change some things around ;)
Saint, BigZ, careful going there. The Chinese took a beating, but they were never defeated by the Japanese. The Chinese, against the odds, managed to turn the tide of a very very long landwar (1933-1945). US help was quite important, but give credit to China's strength and persistence.
Yes.. somewhat true. But what I consider as defeat is when Japan took all the major coastal cities of China.. like Beijing, Shanghai, Nanking...
This thread went from dude, too crappy in like 3 posts.

Missles would be no threat too america, we have the technology, lasers, and patriots, also we got spirit.

Whats wrong with the world momma? People livin like they aint got no momma. See the whole world is addicted too the drama....

If you only have love for your own race. You leave room too discriminate and if you hate your bound too get irrate.

People killin, people dying, children hurt and you hear em crying when you practice what you preach it makes you turn the other cheek. Father, father, father help us send some guidance from above, cuz people got me questioning were is the love?

Also about Vietnam we totally lost it on the home front. Ask any U.S. soldier that was there, we whooped the gooks all over the place. I cant give you a website, but I know Richard Pierce. (he was there, Special Forces, cartogropher) Ask a vet, thats a primary source! :cowb:
Missles would be no threat too america, we have the technology, lasers, and patriots, also we got spirit.

We also have hippies, pacifists, and a little thing I like to call the Democractic Party ;) I doubt we could ever again get this country to stand together against a common enemy, but hey, thats another thread, so I'lll just shut up.
I think some folks are too hostile to da frog man there.

But Frog will probably point out that, it was the guerrilla warfare based on the theories of Mao Zedong of China that accumulated to the amount of KIA, that in turn caused the US public to rise against the war

The US did terrific work in vietnam, but in the end though, it was the very freedoms the military were fighting for that turned against them. Whether it was a intentional strategy or not, I don't know, but either way, the communist got their damn country.

So was it a victory for the communist? Yes, at least, the Vietnamese communist. But for the communist ideal? I don't know. Many people have claimed that communism was haulted by our intervention in Vietnam and helped sway other communist parties from riseing in asia. I really have no clue how legitimate that claim is.
SAINT said:
Yes.. somewhat true. But what I consider as defeat is when Japan took all the major coastal cities of China.. like Beijing, Shanghai, Nanking...
Naw, I believe the official Japanese history says they were never anywhere near Nanking. Their re-writing of history would make the Soviet propaganda artists amazed.

As far as Vietnam stopping the spread of Communism in the Far East, there's some truth to that. After Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam went (all part of the the Vietnam War), that was those were the last countries to fall.
Naw, I believe the official Japanese history says they were never anywhere near Nanking. Their re-writing of history would make the Soviet propaganda artists amazed.

If you could provide proof of that I really be impressed, I had no idea the Japanese were In the rewriting of bad things business.
What I think is.. the United States has already actually won every big war (though invisible) in the sense that the present world is free from any major war since WW2.
Why? Because any country which wants to start a war with another country has to consider intervention from the United States.
Those countries know that they have to first consider the US..
Guy, they wrote out the Rape of Nanking from the history books they use to teach their children. I'll have to go find my proof later though. Hell, I could be thinking of the wrong thing entirely, but I'm pretty sure I'm remembering right. China and Korea both have been mighty displeased with Japan for such omissions.
Japan writes out the rapes tortures and gassings but im pretty sure their battles are pretty accurate.
Flying Frog,

First you state:
.....I am only interested in facts, win or lose.

Then you start making excuses:
.....if the Chinese had the same weapons as the US troops had, it would be a massacre to the Americans.

The facts are the Chinese did not have the same weapons and the number of Chinese warriors killed by Americans was a massacre. Now what kind of real big wars did USA fight since WWII? Well many more than China – and our soldiers are much more seasoned. Let’s not forget that the last major war China fought, they were almost defeated and this was by Japan. It was the Allies that defeated Japan – not China. As for Iran, the Iranian army today is not near as large as the Iraqi army of 1991. At the time of the Gulf War, the Iraqi army was the fourth largest army in the world. Furthermore, the U.S. would easily win a war again Iran and even China and the reasons would be the same today as they were in World War II – logistics and production. I can think of no other country in the world that is better tooled with factories or blessed with the natural resources to feed a war machine than the U.S., and much to our past enemies disbelief, we have proven this more than twice in our young history.
Good points David..but remember

Pride goeth before a fall...

lets make sure we dont stumble over our :D
haha, interesting to read all the responses from yesterday :D

All dudes, don't feel insulted by my Topic. I have no intention to hurt your pride you can believe me :D
And please read the Topic Post again, it is about the big wars after WW2, so no need to go back to wars before that.

As for China's part in Major Wars after WW2:
I can remember following ones:

1. Korea War, we Chinese kicked ass of Americans. Korea War is the first War which America didn't win, and actually lost to Chinese, because we kicked us troops from Chinese-Korean border half Korea back to 38 line.
If you are more interested in Korea War, check this:

2. Chinese-India war in 1962:
Chinese won the border war completely, it was a deep humiliation to Indians especially before the war the Indian dudes thought they could kick Chinese ass easily.

3. Chinese-Vietnam war in 1979:
China as invading force, bombed the hell out of North Vietnam, we did lose many soldiers, but after conquering Vitnam's northern provincies the Chinese troops have opened the whole route to conqure whole Vietnam, because it is from there no more mountain area's. But China did not have any intention to occupy Vietnam, it was just a punishment war, therefore we withdraw after 4 weeks war. We did lose many soliders, but we simply didn't lose the war

That's all China's major wars since WW2.

Of course there was a very tiny border conflict with Russia, but that can not be called a war, therefore no talking about it.

Now back to original topic:
Believe me USA didn't win any major wars after WW2, although USA did fight a lot of small war invading weak small nations.

Can USA really win a big war then?
I really doubt it.
Like Bush said: the Axis of Evils: Iraq, Iran, N.Korea.
Iraq is gone.
Left Iran, N.Korea.

Iran is clearly doing big programs with nukes, did you ever hear USA to take on Iran? NO, why not? Iran is not Iraq, Iran is a major country if you want war with Iran you must be very confident of winning the war. Does USA have this confidence? I doubt. No one dares to attack Iran.

Another "evil", it has been big laugh among Chinese military fans, USA does not dare to touch N.Koreans at all, why? It is again a major power, even with nukes. USA has been talking a lot tough words against N.Korea, yet not dared to touch a single finger on it, why? Dare not. It is not a little weak nation more, therefore you can see the confidence of war winning of USA is disappeared.
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