haha, interesting to read all the responses from yesterday
All dudes, don't feel insulted by my Topic. I have no intention to hurt your pride you can believe me

And please read the Topic Post again, it is about the big wars after WW2, so no need to go back to wars before that.
As for China's part in Major Wars after WW2:
I can remember following ones:
1. Korea War, we Chinese kicked ass of Americans. Korea War is the first War which America didn't win, and actually lost to Chinese, because we kicked us troops from Chinese-Korean border half Korea back to 38 line.
If you are more interested in Korea War, check this:
2. Chinese-India war in 1962:
Chinese won the border war completely, it was a deep humiliation to Indians especially before the war the Indian dudes thought they could kick Chinese ass easily.
3. Chinese-Vietnam war in 1979:
China as invading force, bombed the hell out of North Vietnam, we did lose many soldiers, but after conquering Vitnam's northern provincies the Chinese troops have opened the whole route to conqure whole Vietnam, because it is from there no more mountain area's. But China did not have any intention to occupy Vietnam, it was just a punishment war, therefore we withdraw after 4 weeks war. We did lose many soliders, but we simply didn't lose the war
That's all China's major wars since WW2.
Of course there was a very tiny border conflict with Russia, but that can not be called a war, therefore no talking about it.
Now back to original topic:
Believe me USA didn't win any major wars after WW2, although USA did fight a lot of small war invading weak small nations.
Can USA really win a big war then?
I really doubt it.
Like Bush said: the Axis of Evils: Iraq, Iran, N.Korea.
Iraq is gone.
Left Iran, N.Korea.
Iran is clearly doing big programs with nukes, did you ever hear USA to take on Iran? NO, why not? Iran is not Iraq, Iran is a major country if you want war with Iran you must be very confident of winning the war. Does USA have this confidence? I doubt. No one dares to attack Iran.
Another "evil", it has been big laugh among Chinese military fans, USA does not dare to touch N.Koreans at all, why? It is again a major power, even with nukes. USA has been talking a lot tough words against N.Korea, yet not dared to touch a single finger on it, why? Dare not. It is not a little weak nation more, therefore you can see the confidence of war winning of USA is disappeared.