A Can of Man
Je suis aware
From the suppressed weapons I know, yes.
Do rifle silencers (or that silencer in particular) get really hot when the user full-auto bursts?
9 mm? would it rele be dat effective at such a distance?
I beg to differ on the ID of that weapon. That would be an SR-3M Vikhr.
See pic number 4. Just thought I'd help out there.
ITS THE AKS-74U Krinkov
It's supposed to be a Russian silenced 9mm SF rifle. Anyone knows its name?
Some people here are really full of prejudice against Russian equipment.
It's not 9x39mm parabellum like in the MP5 or something.
It's a special subsonic ammunition for this weapon. It's made to be accurate, subsonic and capable of penetrating armor at 400m.
400m is a good distance for a rifle. Not a sniper rifle, but a battlerifle. And a scope is necessary for accurate shooting at these distances.
The Russians arent dumb... This weapon works, and it's made for the special forces. Spetnatz and such...
You can laugh at the gun, but dont be ridiculous, this is made to kill and it's very good when it comes to killing people in silence.
I would say that you don't have one available for issue, because these sort of things are great in the minds of the comic book kids, where every soldier is a "Sneeky Pete" killing machine or 2000 yard sniper. But that just ain't the case.---snip--- It's really a bit baffling why the US has not yet got such a weapon. It's value for spec ops is pretty obvious. For even regular units in certain situations,it's got huge potential.
I dunno about that, it worked well enough for the Russkies in 1944 - 45. There's no way known that I'd say they never had a strong military. As you say they are also developing sophisticated weapons systems, many of them not of the "quality" of those of the US, but they are effective and usually cheap and easy to use by non specialised troops. In short their R and D strategies work for them, and they appear to work very well.But you cant base a strong military on a horde of poorly trained and poorly equiped men and tanks... So they also invested in the infrastructure to make highly specialized weapons...
Money is rarely a problem in time of war. Australia was still recovering from the depression and many people were still living hand to mouth in 1939, in a matter of days, tens if not hundreds of millions of pounds had been allocated or spent. Russia is a huge country with lots of natural resources, I think they might surprise us as to exactly how quickly their industry could go onto a wartime footing. To me it appears to be that way even in peacetime.They got skills... And a lot of skills, it's the finances the problem..