California Overturns Gay Marriage

Yeah I know. It's like sexuality is the center of their lives for too many. And a lot of the stuff is just obscene.
And sometimes, I feel some are turning "gay" because they have this need to feel like victims. Dunno... people think in weird ways.
And then there are those who are really gay.
If you do it in your home that's fine.
Outside, have some goddamned respect.
Yeah I know. It's like sexuality is the center of their lives for too many. And a lot of the stuff is just obscene.
And sometimes, I feel some are turning "gay" because they have this need to feel like victims. Dunno... people think in weird ways.
And then there are those who are really gay.
If you do it in your home that's fine.
Outside, have some goddamned respect.
Respect works both ways. We should show some in return.
I don't know... sometimes when I see things like pride parades and such I really sit down and analyze whether perhaps we've been doing it all wrong with our sort of hidden and suppressed sexuality. Perhaps this open display is really the way it should be, and we've been teaching ourselves the wrong thing over thousands of years, not letting our true selves out into the open, and just merging into the "mainstream" lives that we have created for ourselves.

Just food for thought.
I don't think I've disrespected someone for being gay.
I've disrespected some gays for being annoying as hell and imposing their way of running things when the rest of us have decided to tolerate their lifestyle.
I'll respect a person for what they're worth but the last thing I need is some gay guy accusing me of being mean to him because he is gay when in fact I am being mean because the guy is a total douche bag.
I think pride parades are stupid.
Sexuality perhaps has been suppressed a bit too much in the past but the parade is truly going over the top.
I don't think I've disrespected someone for being gay.
I've disrespected some gays for being annoying as hell and imposing their way of running things when the rest of us have decided to tolerate their lifestyle.
I'll respect a person for what they're worth but the last thing I need is some gay guy accusing me of being mean to him because he is gay when in fact I am being mean because the guy is a total douche bag.
I think pride parades are stupid.
Sexuality perhaps has been suppressed a bit too much in the past but the parade is truly going over the top.
Was heading to a festival in Downtown Columbus this summer, and had to go through the pride parade to reach it. What actually really surprised me were the number of churches who had trucks or were marching in the parade.

And do remember that it's always the wild ones who make the news. During the entire procession there were only 2-3 people who could even remotely be considered scantily clad.
Yep, they should have the same rights. Still can't be called marriage. Also, I'd be pretty pissed if I had been adopted by a gay couple. Just doesn't seem right, I don't think we should be sending kids to them... Assuming parents of equal quality, it's always better to be raised by a heterosexual couple in my opinion. Gives you a clearer picture of the world.
Homophobic comments .........

Yep, they should have the same rights. Still can't be called marriage. Also, I'd be pretty pissed if I had been adopted by a gay couple. Just doesn't seem right, I don't think we should be sending kids to them... Assuming parents of equal quality, it's always better to be raised by a heterosexual couple in my opinion. Gives you a clearer picture of the world.

Sorry ml ...
In my opinion, your comment about being adopted by a gay couple, is a comment I would expect of a homophobe. With so very many children NOT being adopted, there is absolutely no reason to deny a gay couple the chance to adopt a child. Gay couples are just as imbued with the ability to raise a child in a loving home, as a heterosexual couple.

As far as your "clearer view of the world" comment ... in the real world ... gays are perfectly capable of raising a child, gays are treated as second class citizens (through the denial of basic rights that are part and parcel of the rights that are guaranteed to a heterosexual couple), ... and more and more children falling by the wayside and are being raised without parents.

Tell me where is the justice with this "real" view of the world???????

Before someone climbs on their high-horse, N O, I am not a gay or a member of any organization advocating gay rights ... what I am, is open minded and NOT a judgmental religious individual or bigoted homophobe.
Sorry ml ...
In my opinion, your comment about being adopted by a gay couple, is a comment I would expect of a homophobe. With so very many children NOT being adopted, there is absolutely no reason to deny a gay couple the chance to adopt a child. Gay couples are just as imbued with the ability to raise a child in a loving home, as a heterosexual couple.

As far as your "clearer view of the world" comment ... in the real world ... gays are perfectly capable of raising a child, gays are treated as second class citizens (through the denial of basic rights that are part and parcel of the rights that are guaranteed to a heterosexual couple), ... and more and more children falling by the wayside and are being raised without parents.

Tell me where is the justice with this "real" view of the world???????

Before someone climbs on their high-horse, N O, I am not a gay or a member of any organization advocating gay rights ... what I am, is open minded and NOT a judgmental religious individual or bigoted homophobe.

Looking at the last statement of your post it would seem you are " not a judgemental religious individual" just judgemental.

As far as open minded, not likely as apparently you believe that all that do not agree with you are either "a judgmental religious individual or bigoted homophobe".
"In my opinion" = me judging the comments .......

Chukpike .......
As far as me being judgmental, right up front I stated "In my opinion". This makes no bones about NOT being judgmental - even those with a grade school education can figure this one out. An opinion is a judgment call.

At least I don't hide behind religious dogma for my beliefs as the anti-gay community does - I use an open mind unclogged by antiquated religious BS.

I would be willing to allow religious individuals to live and let live though, if it weren't for the fact that so many of them use fear and homophobia to deny gays the same rights that heterosexual couples enjoy {the same rights I [and they] enjoy as heterosexual married individuals}.

It that offends you ... tough.
I 'judge' individuals by their actions AND BY THEIR WORDS AND STATEMENTS.

Don't want to be found wanting ...
then don't use the language of homophobes and homophobia.​
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Ain't it funny how these groups that state, "all they want is open mindedness and freedom of expression", call someone who uses their freedom of expression a homophobe,... not that it really means anything.

As I have said in numerous debates on this forum, racist, homophobe and and all the other supposedly derogatory terms are just tags for one group to hang on another as a form of implied insult, get used to it,... it does not work. Well, not with anyone over the age of 12 years or so.

"I hate Brocolli, does that make me a Brocolliphobe or even imply that I am necessarily a bad person? It's nothing to do with religion (I'm the atheist remember), but in this example, everything to do with trying to make the world a slightly better place to live in and raise children.

I have already stated my reasoning as to why I dislike homosexuals, and I think that when it's all boiled down most other people are of a similar opinion.
I compared it with my deep distaste at watching someone pick their nose and eat it.

The person doing it is not harming anyone else, and obviously they enjoy it.
Mucous is a perfectly natural bodily fluid, almost exactly the same as saliva which we swallow by the pint daily.
When we "sniffle" we swallow that same mucous, and no one bats an eyelid.
Logically there is little if any reason why we shouldn't actually do it, but like homosexuality, the thought of it just makes my skin crawl.
Does this make me some sort of bigot or strange and unusual person,... I think NOT.

The fact being that it is merely a socially distasteful thing to do. An anti social habit if you will.
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Not offended at all. I find your comments very entertaining!

"In my opinion" = me judging the comments ....... = judgemental

Basic grade school Algebra.
It don't meet the apple*apple or orange*orange test

Not offended at all. I find your comments very entertaining!

"In my opinion" = me judging the comments ....... = judgemental

Basic grade school Algebra.
Even though it's :offtopic: ... you still don't get it - it is basic math ... not Algebra.

Simply put ... an opinion IS a judgmental statement at it's very lowest common denominator ... anything else is just hyperbole and obfuscation at it's worst (designed to confuse or obscure a discussion).

BTW - you have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine - I NEVER said any different. The point I made is the fact that I don't use religion as an excuse for my opinion (as many others do for their opinions). Does that religious shoe fit you??????? If it doesn't and you are NOT homophobic, then you and I are NOT that different - it is just a difference of personal opinion.

Seno ... just for information, I didn't really call anyone a homophobe (least of all you or ChuckP. I called the words and comments homophobic. If it walks, quacks and waddles like a duck ... then it is a duck ... AND ... when words or phrases are homophobic or sound homophobic, then recognizing this fact isn't the same thing as calling someone a homophobe.

Put simply, your comments don't meet the apple*apple or orange*orange test.
I have a hard time believing that homosexual parenting is perfectly fine for developing children.
People learn a lot about male-female relationships through their heterosexual parents. Children without a regular set of parents usually do have some serious issues. I know that not all heterosexual parents are top drawer stuff but we're talking about the average case. Sometimes they grow up watching their parents and learn not only what worked but what didn't work and then go about trying to fix it when their time comes. Many of these things are learned. I don't think parenting falls out of the sky and yeah, if I was adopted by homosexual parents I'd be pretty pissed myself (since it does affect my life personally at that point) unless they were extremely hot lesbians.
I have a hard time believing that homosexual parenting is perfectly fine for developing children.
People learn a lot about male-female relationships through their heterosexual parents. Children without a regular set of parents usually do have some serious issues. I know that not all heterosexual parents are top drawer stuff but we're talking about the average case. Sometimes they grow up watching their parents and learn not only what worked but what didn't work and then go about trying to fix it when their time comes. Many of these things are learned. I don't think parenting falls out of the sky and yeah, if I was adopted by homosexual parents I'd be pretty pissed myself (since it does affect my life personally at that point) unless they were extremely hot lesbians.
If you were old enough to care.

I see no reason against homosexual parenting. Kids can certainly attain plenty of parenting traits along from homosexuals. Other than gender, there is very little difference between a heterosexual couple and a homosexual couple. They really have the same relationship with each other as straight married couples.
Seno ... just for information, I didn't really call anyone a homophobe (least of all you or ChuckP.
Not at all Chief, and I did not direct my statement at you in particular. It is merely an observation of mine that these discussions always end up with people using these rather lame and meaningless terms, almost always to try and humiliate and bully the person at whom they are directed.

I have broad shoulders (metaphorically) and a thick hide, as no doubt you do yourself. If my opinions make me a "homophobe" so be it, for what it's worth it is not the "word" that I object to, but the intent of the person using it.

After all I have clearly and unequivocably stated that I do not like overt homosexuals or the promotion of homosexual behaviour. It is extremely antisocial behaviour.

What people do in private is their own business. Once it comes to my notice, it is public, and I will have my say about it.

I think that sums up my opinion fairly well.
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If you were old enough to care.

I see no reason against homosexual parenting. Kids can certainly attain plenty of parenting traits along from homosexuals. Other than gender, there is very little difference between a heterosexual couple and a homosexual couple. They really have the same relationship with each other as straight married couples.

Other than gender?

I guess I am to much into minor details.
Other than gender?

I guess I am to much into minor details.
My point is that the human element still remains, and thus children can aptly be raised by such people. How many single parents are there out there? They have no problem, and they have normal kids.
My point is that the human element still remains, and thus children can aptly be raised by such people. How many single parents are there out there? They have no problem, and they have normal kids.
Regardless of what the Politically Correct set would try to have us believe, males and females are mentally and physiologically different our hormones make our minds work in very different ways.

e.g. It has been recognised for some time now that males have better understanding of things requiring spatial comprehension and females are far better at multi tasking.

It is by definition "a cruel and unusual act to deny children the right to a normal upbringing"
Regardless of what the Politically Correct set would try to have us believe, males and females are mentally and physiologically different our hormones make our minds work in very different ways.

e.g. It has been recognised for some time now that males have better understanding of things requiring spatial comprehension and females are far better at multi tasking.

It is by definition "a cruel and unusual act to deny children the right to a normal upbringing"
So single parents should not be allowed to keep their children unless they remarry? Um... wow.