BREAKING: South Korean warship sinking after torpedo attack from North Korean Ship.

If war really starts in the korean peninsula, it would be a remake of the 1950-53 Korean War. With the technologically superior SK+US vs NK's superiority in numbers.

But the world now needs to know......did a NK torpedo really sank the SK navy ship?????
I don´t know enough about the thoughtprocess of the people in the region but from an outsiders perspective it appears you could start and end a SK/NK war with a few aimed shots.
Sit back and watch NK destroy itself from the inside?

I have also seen the parades were civilians are waving flags, are they doing so because they are proud of their nation as is or because someone tells them to?

A dictatorship without the dictator isn´t much of a threat to anyone if there aren´t strong military alliances waiting in the wings.

ACM or Korean Navydude, got any insight into the subject for us uneducated?

The North Korean people are not as brainwashed as they used to be because one of the funny things about the black market that has kept North Korea alive is that not only did food make it into North Korea, but also information. Both in and out of country. Kim Jong-il is highly unpopular in North Korea, unlike his father, Kim Il-sung who was popular while he was in power and still is popular long after his death.

But the North Koreans live in constant fear of being imprisoned in hard labor camps where they are often worked to death. It's something I will not discuss on the open board due to PERSEC issues but for some members I will explain it somewhat via PM.

Sending in Special Operations personnel into North Korea is extremely tough because there simply is no way to attempt to blend into the population. Everything is controlled. There really is no such thing as "yeah we decided to go on a trip." Getting into North Korea itself probably isn't that big of a problem. The problem is actually getting to the target without being seen when the target is just surrounded by people. If the mission fails and Kim Jong-il realizes that he is marked for assasination, it may be enough to convince him that the only option he has to avoid defeat is by launching an invasion.
Los Angeles Times:

Doubts surface on North Korea's role in ship sinking

Some in South Korea dispute the official version of events: that a North Korean torpedo ripped apart the Cheonan.

Reporting from Seoul —
The way U.S. officials see it, there's little mystery behind the most notorious shipwreck in recent Korean history........
...But challenges to the official version of events are coming from an unlikely place: within South Korea.
Armed with dossiers of their own scientific studies and bolstered by conspiracy theories, critics dispute the findings announced May 20 by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, which pointed a finger at Pyongyang.,0,1827085.story

Looks like some in South Korea don't think North Korea is to blame.
Yeah it's the anti-American, pro-North Korean elements.
Scum bags fit to be fertilizer and nothing more in my opinion.

The guy who wrote that it was from an unlikely place obviously isn't very familiar with South Korea at all.
Obama Admin: Ship sinking not Terrorism, just an Act of War...brilliant deduction.
You never miss a chance do you?

No doubt if he would not have answered the question, you still would have had to say something derogatory. Conversely, if GWB would have made the same statement you would have said it was an earth shattering revelation?
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You never miss a chance do you?

No doubt if he would not have answered the question, you still would have had to say something derogatory. Conversely, if GWB would have made the same statement you would have said it was an earth shattering revelation?

Well any slack jawed drooling MFer ought to be able to figure out that sinking a US flagged vessel is an act of war.

However I believe the present POTUS would apologize for the ship getting in the way of a torpedo.
Well any slack jawed drooling MFer ought to be able to figure out that sinking a US flagged vessel is an act of war.
Dead right,... but that in no way refutes my previous statement.

I have no illusions whatsoever, President Obama is probably far from perfect, but lets just be happy that at least he's an improvement on his predecessor.
You never miss a chance do you?

No doubt if he would not have answered the question, you still would have had to say something derogatory. Conversely, if GWB would have made the same statement you would have said it was an earth shattering revelation?

Yeah it's the anti-American, pro-North Korean elements.
Scum bags fit to be fertilizer and nothing more in my opinion.

The guy who wrote that it was from an unlikely place obviously isn't very familiar with South Korea at all.

Well any slack jawed drooling MFer ought to be able to figure out that sinking a US flagged vessel is an act of war.

However I believe the present POTUS would apologize for the ship getting in the way of a torpedo.

Dead right,... but that in no way refutes my previous statement.

I have no illusions whatsoever, President Obama is probably far from perfect, but lets just be happy that at least he's an improvement on his predecessor.
Going back & reviewing this...I see that the Admin Official was accurate when he said it wasn't an act ot Terrorism. However he said it was a "provocative act" when he should have said it was a serious Act of War. Bush probably would have been bashed by the Press & Dems for trivializing a serious event. It's no surprise foriegners like Obama better after The World Apology Tours.
foriegners like Obama

Hey George I found a picture of you.

Hey George I found a picture of you.

Another typical attack from the Left, what no NAZI photos on your computer to do both stereotypical Lefty smears?? During the Bush Admin Polls in Europe said 60% would like to see a weaker, less powerfull US. Recent polls in Europe say 60% like Obama, seems to be a correlation there. If you think Republicans would be happy if all this was being done by Pres. H. Clinton, you've been drinking the Kool Aid too long.
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From the left?
You can dislike President Obama all you like but he is a US citizen and an American born US citizen. All claims on Obama's foreign birth has been falsified as of right now. As an American, you of all people should know that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty.
Also he is your President.
To accuse him of being a foreigner is out of line and out of order.

Also your "correlation" is completely unrelated.
The Europeans are relieved that the current President of the United States isn't pissing them off on a regular basis. It is not related to President Obama being a surefire way to weaken America.
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It's no surprise foriegners like Obama better after The World Apology Tours.

From the left?
You can dislike President Obama all you like but he is a US citizen and an American born US citizen. All claims on Obama's foreign birth has been falsified as of right now. As an American, you of all people should know that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty.
Also he is your President.
To accuse him of being a foreigner is out of line and out of order.
At 1st I'm like...WFT is he talking about..then..I could have said ...some foriegners like Obama less after the World Apology Tour. How would foriegners like McCain if he was Prez?