Brag and just talk, talk, talk

well this has kinda gone dead soo...imma revive it!!:)

well the other weekend i got layed on by a horse it was pretty cool really:) he reared up and i wouldnt give him his head so he fell back on me:) but over all i had a good ride:) and then yesturday we had 2 riders come off with the saddle and the horse took off up a hill while 1 of the riders got on to go catch it they got thrown again and so we had 2 loose horses but it was all fun and well:)
You be very careful young lady, having a horse come over on top of you can be a quick way to become the proud owner of your very own brand new wheelchair, or sometimes worse. There comes a time when it's wise to just hit the ejection seat :). Horses are far too heavy and clumsy to roll around in the dust with. (even ponies).

Sour horses that rear or bolt, already have two feet firmly planted in the back of the truck to the pet food factory.

I'll bet it was a mare?????
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This is a nice thread.
Although our forum doesn't have that many members, I'm glad most people here are of pretty sound nature, unlike many of the big forums where you're filled with nutcases.
Hi Brooke.

Yes, this is a good thread and shows what a great crew we have here.

You and I may be the oldest and the youngest contributors. I'm Del Boy and i am 74 years old next month. I was a kid in WW11 and went to sea and served in the army; I ran big factories and I drove a cab! I have 5 children, the eldest boy is 50 years old with 5 boys of his own, eldest 25 youngest 13. The three eldest are in a rock band, favourites of our bikers here. I have 2 other sons, one who lives in Ireland with too little daughters who like to sing, dance and ride their horses, looked after by a large Labradoodle dog. My youngest daughter has a beautiful 16 year old girl and a 14 year old son. They both sing, Harriette acts and Louis plays guitar and sings. All of them have stuff on You Tube.

My youngest son has twins, a wonderful boy and girl aged just 4.

So that's me. I read a lot, and my cousin is Pauline Glenn Winslow, the American best-seller. It is said that her fiction reflects the history of the mid 20th century. I like to write a little poetry when the inspiration takes me. On this forum, I get heatedly involved at times on subjects which are important to me, but aside from that I just browse the threads contentedly. I love sport and music and honour and fair-play, and I like the guys on here, including the ladies, of course. I have been very happily married for 52 years; we met when I was in the army.

Good thread, Brooke, congratulations.
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Horses and I have come to an understanding, I dont try and ride them, they don't kick the crap out of me.
lol well yah just gotta teach them whos boss;)

You be very careful young lady, having a horse come over on top of you can be a quick way to become the proud owner of your very own brand new wheelchair, or sometimes worse. There comes a time when it's wise to just hit the ejection seat :). Horses are far too heavy and clumsy to roll around in the dust with. (even ponies).

Sour horses that rear or bolt, already have two feet firmly planted in the back of the truck to the pet food factory.

I'll bet it was a mare?????
hehe nope it was a gelding:smile: he just wanted away from the barrels for awhile that and i was running him:smile:
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hehe nope it was a gelding:) he just wanted away from the barrels for awhile that and i was running him:)
Well, that rules out hormones :). Time for the doctor I'd say. There's too many good horses out there to persist with one that rears.
im kind of a computer nerd too, i know a lot of stuff about them but would like to learn lots more. i gain more knowledge by doing hands on stuff. i once fixed 2 of my playstations just by taking them apart and fooling around with them:P[/quote]

Really?? that's very interesting.....Have you thought about a Degree in Computer Science or Engineering???? After High School of course :) Smart Lady :thumb:
Good thread; I'll throw my two cents in.

My name is Andy, and I'm the 2nd-coolest person in the world (behind Pixie). ;)

I'm almost 36 years old (birthday's in June) and an active-duty US Public Health Service officer (currently a Lieutenant Commander...I'm up for promotion to Commander next year). I do healthcare emergency preparedness and response for the Federal government, and have been deployed for just about every major disaster in the US in the past two years. I am also dying by teleconferences right now with the whole 2009 A/H1N1 Flu outbreak that's currently going on.

For bragging rights, my wife and I have four Ivy-league degrees between us. She has a Master's degree and her veterinary degree from UPenn, and I have two Master's degrees from Columbia. (And that's not counting our Bachelor's degrees and her other Master's degree!) But I will freely admit that she is way, way smarter than I am.

In my copious free time, I serve as a Major and battalion commander with the U.S. Army Cadet Corps, which is the Army's version of the Naval Sea Cadets, Young Marines, Civil Air Patrol, etc.
Good thread; I'll throw my two cents in.

My name is Andy, and I'm the 2nd-coolest person in the world (behind Pixie). ;)

I'm almost 36 years old (birthday's in June) and an active-duty US Public Health Service officer (currently a Lieutenant Commander...I'm up for promotion to Commander next year). I do healthcare emergency preparedness and response for the Federal government, and have been deployed for just about every major disaster in the US in the past two years. I am also dying by teleconferences right now with the whole 2009 A/H1N1 Flu outbreak that's currently going on.

For bragging rights, my wife and I have four Ivy-league degrees between us. She has a Master's degree and her veterinary degree from UPenn, and I have two Master's degrees from Columbia. (And that's not counting our Bachelor's degrees and her other Master's degree!) But I will freely admit that she is way, way smarter than I am.

In my copious free time, I serve as a Major and battalion commander with the U.S. Army Cadet Corps, which is the Army's version of the Naval Sea Cadets, Young Marines, Civil Air Patrol, etc.

Wow, that's great!! As for me, am just a teacher...nothing fancy or important for that matter... :)
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Hi Andy! Its nice to meet yah:) Wow thats a lot of school:) Congrats!!:)

lmao yeah i have im still debating on my high school major, its either gonna be Computer Science, Health Science or Music:)
You have plenty of time to decide, Brooke. :)

And Sky -- being a teacher is one of the most important jobs in the world, so don't sell yourself short...
yeah! if it werent for teachers i would be as dumb as a log!;) well...teachers and my mom;)

LOL, hahahahahaha,...I'd say if it weren't for mom's,..Being a good mother is the hardest job ever :), and well teachers are just like second mom's too! LOL, ..and for the record nice lady, you're not dumb...your an exceptional smart yound lady :)
Yeah seriously. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world and it is often overlooked, underappreciated and too many times ridiculed. A solid education is the backbone of any society but unfortunately it seems like in today's society, we've forgotten that kids are actually kids and we have a responsibility to make sure they're actually useful by the time they're 18.
Unfortunately bull sh*t feel good operating procedures are the in thing now and we produce an endless supply of dumbasses.
lol true true, i used to hate all of my teachers. They used to give us so much homework and im all like "What we have a life to you know!" but in the end that homework was usually easier then the classwork most of the time:) I look back and i actually appreciate all the homework we had, it was so little that i wish i had it now instead of all these darn 2-4 page essays;)
Yeah seriously. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world and it is often overlooked, underappreciated and too many times ridiculed. A solid education is the backbone of any society but unfortunately it seems like in today's society, we've forgotten that kids are actually kids and we have a responsibility to make sure they're actually useful by the time they're 18.
Unfortunately bull sh*t feel good operating procedures are the in thing now and we produce an endless supply of dumbasses.

Thanks for summin' that up big true...Every person has his or her own set of traits, and calling....I cant imagine doing anything else...when a child does not receive love and the proper care at home, and I am all they have, and I see the diffrence I make, I know I made the right choice,...sniff...*wipes tears*
awww true true, there are some kids out there whos parents dont pay any attention to them at all. Makes me look like a bad kid considering i at least get payed attention to half the time:)