Can I have a love bite? Oh, wait, nvm. She'll be pissed off. :angel:
Hope she didn't see this....she comes here sometimes as a guest. :hide:
Of course not....I wouldn't want to get you in any Trouble!!! lol....
Can I have a love bite? Oh, wait, nvm. She'll be pissed off. :angel:
Hope she didn't see this....she comes here sometimes as a guest. :hide:
Ok...I'll bragg....I ran 2 freakin' miles today!!!! ....may not be a lot to some...but it's an accomplishment to hard!!!!!!!!! lol....:rockin:
Have you never heard of motor cars? They are a better alternative then running. I only have a finate number of heart beats, I refuse to waste them running, or walking, or mowing the lawn, or painting or digging the garden or or lol
LMAO!!!! hahahahahhahaha,,well yeah, I'd rather ride than run or walk BUT!! I gotta look good and stay healthy brit!!! Don't ya want me to look good????? lol
lol of course I do, even if you do make my pulse run too fast lolol
Careful you hug him too long he might go dead pulse lol
Do you hear me complaining???? lolol
Careful you hug him too long he might go dead pulse lol
I'm an expert at*wink* lol.