Active member
You sound like an unhappy American. A country was you can vote for the candidate of choice, practice the religion or politics of your choice: (even the frickin Nazi party or one of it’s so called Neo-Nazi spinoffs i.e.: Aryan Brotherhood, KKK, if you so desire). You can relocate at will. By the way you can leave the US if you so desire if you find the country so oppressive.
As for depriving the developing world economies? Where are your concrete examples of this? We sell to anybody who will buy our products and often buy foreign products back with a stiff tariff from others such as China, Mexico, Taiwan, and Indonesia.
The people in these countries that work for American concerns are usually light years ahead of those who are not. I worked for Bosch’s US concern which at the time had production faculties in China. The employees in China jumped were joyful at the opportunity to work for us.
As for these historical comparisons are they really relevant to the US in 2014. We spend more to feed and help the world than any other nation.
We have (particularly under the Obama administration) borrowed from the Peoples Republic of China to pay “not our military dept”, but for our social programs, so now our grandchildren will end up owing China.
I vehemently disagree with that meantality. We don't love this country or leave it. Leaving this country would be disloyal and fickle. We are allowed to say what we want, when we want, and how we want. That's what I protect as a soldier. That means showing that the US has warts. If they aren't addressed and are constantly sweapt under the rug then they will never be fixed.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" - Thomas Jefferson