Well with most other nations pursuing sukhois and integrating them into a modern force (Su-30MKI,J-11B,Su-30MKK/MK2) why did Australia go with the super hornet instead of a more capable aircraft. They could have gotten F-15E/SE to replace the F-111 and Typhoons, Gripens, or F-16s to replace the F/A-18A/B. The F-15 is a more modern alternative to the ardvark and has better WVR and BVR combat abilities as well as a lower RCS. The Typhoon, Gripen, and F-16 are more manouverable, have greater weapons payload, and greater range than the hornets. If they want they can do liscence production of the aircraft. They have better avionics and performance. Australia has and integrated battlefield network with AWACS, aerial refuelling, and C4ISTAR capabilities, they just need better fighters.