Insomniac ~resident nutcase May 6, 2008 #23 i dunno But if he's giving out orders he sure as f*ck ain't a private
AFSteliga Token Canadian Moder'eh'tor May 7, 2008 #24 You'd be surprised how many Privates give orders, myself being one of them. And in the interest of PERSEC, I'll just say that RL isn't a member of the NCM Corps.
You'd be surprised how many Privates give orders, myself being one of them. And in the interest of PERSEC, I'll just say that RL isn't a member of the NCM Corps.
Redleg The fire is everything Staff member May 7, 2008 #25 I've been a sarge, but it's 11-12 years ago now.. :smil:
Insomniac ~resident nutcase May 8, 2008 #26 sweet! i got your rank right *rewinds 11 years back for this post*
A alieu1234 New Member Feb 3, 2014 #28 hi i'm new here and i want to join the marine this is my email