Army Berets

even though Shenseki did it because he said we are an "elite fighting force" Everyone really knows why will probably join up more now that they have the chance to don a beret instead of the bdu cap. If they only knew though lol. I'd prefer the bdu cap any day of the week. Right before I got my bullwinkle badge, they discontinued wearing the specialty badges on K-pots and bdu caps. Now if they'd just go through with the rumored dress greens beret only...I'd be happy. But you know Joe Schmo out there wants his beret because the "big boys" got one lol. I am in no way dissing a SF, Ranger, or airborne troop...I just prefer not to wear the thing. Im a chemical specialist and a redneck and want my redneck curled bdu cap back ;)
soldierzhonor said:
even though Shenseki did it because he said we are an "elite fighting force" Everyone really knows why will probably join up more now that they have the chance to don a beret instead of the bdu cap.

I'm not sure if this is tongue in cheek or not, so I will respond as if it isn't.

That isn't why he claimed he wanted the switch. But nonetheless, the claimed reasons are even more filmsy and pathetic than had he actually said that.

And I've never heard of anyone joining because they get to wear a beret. While kids do join for superficial reasons, I would venture to guess less than .01% have ever joined for that reason or even though about it while signing the line.
I dont know Rndrsafe, I joined the Army because I got free boots. Being from West Virginia, that was a big deal. When they told me they would give me free clothes and dental care,....well....I damned near passed out. I went into the Rangers because they gave me 2 additional sets of boots (jungles) and for 4 pairs of boots, I would have taken on the whole Soviet block. :lol:
Abell said:
I dont know Rndrsafe, I joined the Army because I got free boots. Being from West Virginia, that was a big deal. When they told me they would give me free clothes and dental care,....well....I damned near passed out. I went into the Rangers because they gave me 2 additional sets of boots (jungles) and for 4 pairs of boots, I would have taken on the whole Soviet block. :lol:


I went into the Rangers for the beret! :lol:
I went into the Rangers for the beret!
And the color of the Ranger beret is? Tan?
There is a system for the beret color in Norway, but it's nothing I bother explain. Too complicated even for me.... hehe :lol:
I got me a nice green one ;)
I still have a black one somewhere.
Boyscouts. The most elite fighting force in the world!!! :D
Grimnar said:
And the color of the Ranger beret is? Tan?
I got me a nice green one ;)

Tan is the colour now, yes. It was black until a certain "officer" decided to grant it to the entire Army.

Yes, I enjoyed my green one as well. It went better with my eyes. :)