I have one as well- excellent condition low serial number.
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ryan shooting mp44 - YouTube well its been several years now since i got the mp44 this is my cop son shooting it at the range. you can hear full auto now and then. i bought a schnellfeuer in the mean time ,waiting on my fg42 by smg should be ready in a week or two
when i let him shoot the mp44 i had already shot it on full auto.so it was a little warm. i reload my ammo .ive bought lots of brass from buffalo arms and lots of bullets from graft and sons.i use a hornady ammo plant progressive loader.
something i did when i was young , i bought a p08 for $65 also a m1 carbine for $20 sold then both . bought replacements years latter for my son over $1000 for the m1 and $2000 for the luger..most of my guns are red 9 s broomhandles
Try not to let the wife know about gun buys. they dont understand. men never grow up .they grow old but not up. funny story .my wife wanted a second child .i said i didnt want any more than one. i ended up trading one more kid for a hk mp5sd thats him shooting the mp44. latter traded the hk for a mp40. true story
found an old pic of my son and daughter today. it looks like 1989 Halloween he dressed as a solider holding the mp5 .hes getting married this friday. time flys when you are having fun i still have the hk 93 in semi i think i gave $500 new for the hk93
sorry didnt notice the flag under your name. i think i understand that you can purchase full auto ,are you allowed to shoot them as well.