Never heard of that, what's it a better example of?
I don't see how he was unprofessional, he wasn't a snake tamer by trade or anything, he was a cowboy. And it's too late to die stupid, he had pneumonia and old age do the job

But I'd say he had a dang good run while he was with us, heck, I sure wouldn't mind being able to do something that ballsy when I get to his age.
Haha, my theory that snakes are evil is based on aesthetics. Ever looked a snake in the eye? Especially venomous ones, they have the coldest dang eyes, just sends shivers down your back. I ran into one in the Blackrock Desert when I was climbing with some buddies, pulled myself up over a rock and maybe five foot away this rattlesnake was laying in the sun, scared the heck out of both of us, he didn't even think to rattle at me, or maybe he did, but in the few seconds it took for him to make up his mind I was halfway home. :lol:
Another interesting thing about snakes is that rattlers mate for life, so if you have a rattler problem, you kill one and hang it on a fence, and the mate will come and stake out the spot to try and kill you, so then you can get that one too.