Calm down and don't fall for it!
They are not all like that... like we are not all like the morons who humiliated the Iraqis or Thimoty Mc Veigh or our typical mass murderer or child molester.
It is a different country, lifestyle, culture, religion, history...Life and death have different values...
It is not politically correct to say here, at home, but understand that the third world lives our European middle age, only some countries have reached some kind of industrial revolution.
The basic cell is the family, than the ethnic group....the rest is salad dressing!
The natality rate is so high because the mortality rate is high...they need half a dozen to a dozen kids in order to counter nature and end up with a handful of surviving one to care for their old age.
Death and suffering are part of their daily life...Loook at what they do to each other in Nigeria....remember Burundi, former Zaire, Congo Brazzaville, Rwanda, Chad, Western Sahara, Angola, Sudan, Bengladesh, Indonesia, Cashmir, Chechnya, former Burma, Cambodia, Iran...
I remember setting a free first aid shop in a little village in a middle of the jungle somewhere in Africa. A lady came by holding a 5 yo little girl with a week old broken leg, open fracture, infected. She was surrended by 4 or 5 skinny kids all ages...The girl needed an hospital, not a "band aid"...We did what we could with what we had and gave her enough medicine for a week (antibiotics...)... for a week...and we left knowing that she would sell the medicine for "good" money in order to be able to feed her other kids...
She did not show dispair, sadness, hope. We showed up, she waited her turn on line....we tended her little girl and told her to take to the hospital (how sad!)...she showed average interest...she left....
One need to go there and deal with that! It is a different world.
As far as Arabs and Muslim go, I had the greatest experience living and dealing with them...
Cultural awareness is the key! I f you know them, you understand them...
You don't have to accept what is done but you might have to go along.
TTheir bad apples are like ours....For people old enough to remember, our terrorists weren't any better...
Remember or look up Armata rossa, rote armee faktion, Baader-manhof, Action directe...they bombed, slaughtered, executed, mutilated...
Bad apples among the average good one....everywhere!