American Army

I have a question:

In case an American soldier is killed in combat, how much does the US government pay for compensation? Or should he/she self get the issurance first?

the_13th_redneck said:
American soldiers volunteers...
technically yes. But there are those who are in the "ready reserve" who didn't really fulfill their entire time and were placed on the "ready reserve" status.
Which means they live like civilians etc. but they can be called up. Now these guys have been called up and they're acting like they're being drafted. So techncially yes, all volunteers but actually some really don't want to be there.

Very understandable when they got their well working civilian life and then just come the war far away another side of the world to disturb their life and make it more difficult or perhaps even to screw it up. Maybe they can keep their jobs, but there they can also loose some possiblities in their civilian career or they can loose their girlfriend or something very important.
Btw, ALL American soldiers are volunteers

youre damn skippy!

if you want the best, dont go and drag them screaming and kicking into the military. they wont want to be there, and they will demoralize the rest of the troops.

in vietnam and the years immediately following, there was not a very severe punishment for drug use and drug use was at about 20% (i dont remember where i JUST heard this). when they decided to start really cracking down and kicking people out, the VOLUNTEERS stopped using drugs so they could STAY IN. drug use is at about 5% or less according to the source (i cant remember) said...

united states air force
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
Well, one more thing:

"Reservist and citizen-soldiers stand ready, in every free nation, to stand to the colors and die in holocaust, the big war. Reservist and citizen-soldiers reamin utterly reluctant to stand and die in anything less... The man who will go where his colors go, without asking, who will fight a phantom foe in the jugle and mountain range, without counting, and who will suffer and die in the midst of incredible hardship, without complaint, is still what he has always been, from Imperial Rome to sceptered Britian to democratic America. He is the stuff of which legions are made."- T. R. Fehrenbach

I agree. Specially reservists with long hair. It is the real style 8)
FlyingFrog said:
I have a question:

In case an American soldier is killed in combat, how much does the US government pay for compensation? Or should he/she self get the issurance first?


well soldiers have the opportunity to buy life insurance. For $20 a month, a soldier can get $250,000 bucks of insurance. Soldiers are allowed to get a little as they want. After death, I think the government pays like somewhere between $5000-10,000 for the funeral.

What I think is really messed up is how the US government paid all the families of people who died in 9/11 over a $1,000,000 in compensation. Most soldiers have taken offense to this since we have to pay for our life insurance. I think Rush Lumbah and Savage have hammered this point pretty good. I know Hanity has a charity college fund for children of fallen American soldiers.